Page 123 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 123

3 You didn't lose your  gtasses.  You'll be abte to read the
              men  u.
           4 John didn't  pacl(  the sandwiches.  He's starving  now.  We can ieave words out when the meaning is clear without
              lf                                                 them and also to avoid repetition.
           5 lf they don't ban tourists  from the ancient city, it wilt be  We can sometimes  just  use fo, a reduced infinitive, instead of
              ruined in no time.                                 repeating the whole expression again.
              Unless                                             Ha watris  nra 10   1o the cinema wllh him and I vrould  lire to
              Mary doesn't  work at home.  She doesn't  spend much  (go to thr c;nena uilh hinr).
              time with her chitdren.                            We sometimes teave out the whote infinitive.
              Mary                                               You don'i havrio irll nra ii
                                                                                      1ou  don'l r,rant  (to toil me)
                                                                 We sometimes leave out the main verb after an auxiliary or
             i for  + noun/pronoun + infinitive                  modal verb.
        We use  for  + nounlpronoun + infinitive after certain adfectives.  r,(p  d;dn't i;nirn iha woi-K Lui wr should have  (finishod  the r^,orr)
        These sentences  are often introduced  by it.            I ran'1 {ir it this morninq,  bui I ean (fi} 11) this afternoon.  1r thai 0K?
        With adlectives  used to express  importance  or the [ack of it:  ln these cases, the second auxitiary verb is stressed in spoken
         lr'r vilal for us io urin ihr rnal,,.h
         ll'* unnecp**ar1  for ths *tudants to rNc!floriae  rverylhing.
                                                                 I  Cross out the words  that can be omitted from the sentences
        With adjectives  used to express  frequency:                because of ellipsis.
         li's normatr for lorc1 drivsrr  to gel  'iire.d
                                                                    1 Mittie agreed to peeI the potatoes atthough  she didn't
         It's rarc for m1 s'iudr.ntr to do ail iheir home.uorK
                                                                      want to peel them.
        With adlectives  used to express  reactions to future events:  2 Maria is goingto  tryto getthe books lwant but l'm sure
         l'r oager far the" p\av to rtarl
                                                                      she won't be able to get the books.
        $la'rt" Eecn for tha rhildrorr  io return.
                                                                    3 I didn't ask after Pam's  mother when  I should  have asked
        This structure can be more formatly expressed  by using  a fhaf  after her.
         clause:                                                    4 AIfie's always upsetting  his girtfriend  atthough  he doesn't
         ll's vital ihal we urin the ma+ch                            mean to upset her.
         i1's normat ihai lorry driverl ge1                         5 My brother didn't go out [ast night although  he could
         l'm vager that the p\ay rhou\d slar'l                        have gone  out.
        This structure  is atso used with some nouns:               6 Andy doesn't know if he'tt be able to beat Rafa, but he
         It's tirne for us lo rtari  horK                             certainty hopes to beat him.
                                                                    7 Max goes horse-riding  now, but he didn't use to go
         I  Comptete the sentences  using the words  in bracl<ets.    ho rse-rid ing.
           1 lt's a shame{or  1ou'lo  mirs  (you  miss)  the party.  8 When  Liam asked  Grace to go out for a drink,  she said
           2 Her father's  ptan was _._   (she  take over) the        she'd love to go out for a drink.
              medicaI practice.
           3 They're reluctant       (he  leave) the company.          Talking about the future
           t+        _ (they  win) would  be a miracle.
           5 She's anxious         (we  go) and stay in her new  We use will + infinitive  when we decide to do things  as we are
                                                                 speakin g (instant  decisions, offers,  prom ises).
              house.                                             l'm going nsw. l'trtr phon*   ihis evanirg
           5 lt's impossibte       (l  start) worl< next weel<.  You don''f look woii. 111 taKs   homa
                                                                 i{e'11  bring   tha'i book tomorror^r
        2  Rewrite  thethat-clauses  usingfor+  noun/pronoun + infinitive.  1ou
                                                                 We also use willto mal<e predictions  about the future.
           1 lt's important  that Grace  arrive before  the other speakers.
                                                                 Hr'll nevor grt ail thai \,iorr finish?d b1 Fridal.
              ll's imporianl {ar Graco'io  arrivr  br{ore. ihe oiher  *peaKrrs
                                                                 We use going to + infinitive  for plans and intentions  that we
           2 Mum's plan was that the whole family  go camping  together.
                                                                 have atready  decided on before speaking.
           3 lt's essentiat that he shouldn't turn up [ate.
                                                                 ule'vr aireadl decided  r,,Iherr  we wanl to go Wr're going io vi6it
           4 He's eager that his girlfriend accompany  him to Jo's
             wed d i ng.
           5 lt seems  unnecessary  that we stay untit the boss  Ieaves.  We also use going fo to make  predictions  about the future.
           6 Our host's  idea was that we shouldn't set off until after  ln this case, the prediction  is based  on some  present evidence.
              tunch.                                             li'* fivs to ninr. and hr'* onll just \oft. Ho'r going to be. latr for
                                                                 rchool  again!
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