Page 119 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 119

2  Complete the two sentences with a simple and a continuous
               Simple and continuous forms                          form of the verb given.
                                                                    1 RUN
         We use simple forms  to talk about  habits,  repeated actions and
         states.                                                      a He was out of breath because  he'd  been  running.
                                                                      b He was out of breath because  he'd run alt the way.
         ula plal tennis overy week.
         I was in ihe arm1.                                         2 EAT
         \rlo've  alwals lived hara.                                  a Ruth got food poisoning  because  she
         We use continuous  forms  to tatk about something  happening at  something  strange.
         a particutar  moment.                                        b Daisy had greasy fingers because  she
         He was still sleeping at loa m                                 fish and chips.
            time tomorrow l'll ba lling on a boach.
         He's urorKing at ths momant
                                                                      ,  f  -_-      in the parkwhen  I twisted  my ankle.
         We use simple forms  to tatk about  permanent situations.    b I didn't  have  much time so I     once  round
         l{e urorKed for thr company  all his life.                     the park.
         We use continuous  forms to talk about temporary situations.
         I'd bron stafng with Sack  unti! ihe hou* vrar  finished.
                                                                      a George passed his exams  because  he
         We use simple forms to talk about finished  situations.
                                                                        every night.
         Wa aloanad the offiae and ihan ws werf homa.
                                                                      b Charlie  had a headache  because  he
         We use continuous  forms to tatk about  unfinished  situations.  ,*l
         l've been raading  'this  booK  for two months.         E,  -E  Sp.culating
         There are two types of verbs, dynamic and state. Dynamic verbs
                                                                 We use the fottowing structures to speculate about people and
         are verbs  that describe actions. They can be used in simple and
                                                                 th ings:
         continuous  forms.
                                                                 /ook (and  seem, sound,  feel,  etc.) like with a noun.
         tha eala lunch ai horna avery da1
                                                                 6ha looKs  liKe a s'tudeni
         I r.rae aaling lunch at homg uhon I heard iha on tha radio.
                                                                 ll fasfs lixa eilr.
         We don't usuatly use state verbs in continuous  tenses.
                                                                 look (seem,  saund,  feel,  etc.) with an adjective.
         thry r,ranl to visit'tha  calhedra\
                                                                 Thal loor upsot.
         Some common state verbs  are: believe, belang,  enjoy,  forget,
                                                                 Sha soarns angr1.
         hate, like, love,  need, prefer, remember, understand,  want.
                                                                 wonder + if followed  by a subject and verb.
         I  Choose  the correctwords.                            I wondsr if ihel hava had problomr,
            1 They'd only known  i 'd onty been knowing  each other  modal  verbs  to talk about possibitity,  probabitity  and certainty
              for three weeks  when  they got married.           in the present and the past.
            2 The teacher refused to repeat the exptanation  because  He must ba at home  novr
              some  students hadn't listened  /  hadn't been [istening.  they might have gono out laet night.
            3 I adored my new shoes  - they were  just  what | 'd tooked
                                                                 1  Rewrite the example sentence  using the words  in brackets.
              for  I 'd been looking for.
            4 We voted for the opposition party because  we thought  /  1 I wonder if he's a sailor^
              were thinking  they might change  our foreign  poticy.  a Ha looks liKa a railor.  (look)
                                                                      b He migh"f havtbern  a eailor.  (might)
            5 Ruby didn't enioy  / wasn't enioyingthe  party, so she
              decided to leave earty.                               2 She might be ilt.
            6 The fish smett  /  was smelling off, so we threw it away.  a                     . (wonder)
            7 The ring had belonged  /  had been belonging  to my     b                        . (lool0
              grandmother  before it was handed down to my mother.
                                                                    3lr tooks  like they're  going  to a football match.
                                                                      a                         (wonder)
                                                                      b                        .  (must)
                                                                    4 lwonder if he's passed his exams.
                                                                      a                        . (not  took)
                                                                                               . (can't)

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