Page 116 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 116

2  Rewrite the sentences  using the word in brackets.
       gll,,.,   Talking about habitual actions
            $                                                      1 We used to spend hours playing hide-and-seek  when we
                                                                     were kids.  ('d)
        Present  simple
                                                                     Wo'd tpend houro  plaling hide -and-seek  whr.n ws wor^e Kids.
        We use the present simple with an adverb of frequency  to talk
                                                                   2 My mother witt cook something  speciat  whenever  we go
        about repeated actions,  habits and routines.
                                                                     round. (usuatty)
       ihe. often goes io worr b1 biclc\e
                                                                   3 Gina will take my CDs without asking.  (constantly)
        Present/Past continuous
                                                                   4 We had no pets  when  we were littte.  (use)
        We use the present/past  continuous  with the adverbs  alwoys,
                                                                   5 Ben woutd always  leave his dirty dishes all over the place
        constontly, continually  and  forever  to tatk about annoying
                                                                     when he lived with us. (teaving)
        repeated behaviour.                                        6 Every summer  we made  sandcastles on the beach.  (used)
        thr'* ah^ra1t complaining aboul  har job
            uere forever shouting  at each olher.               ill   Phrasa[ verbs
        Will  I  would
                                                                Phrasalverbs  combine verbs with adverbs  or prepositions  (or
        Will and would  can be used to tatk about  habituat actions and
                                                                sometimes both) to create a new meaning. Phrasalverbs  can
        behaviour. When they are stressed in spoken Engtish,
                                                                be divided  into four main  types:
        it suggests  criticism. Would  refers to the past.
        thr'li oftsn forgot io bu1 miix.                        Two-part  verbs with no object.
        Ho r^rould plal racords  so loud we couldn't hava a convorsa.lion.  M1 car broKe dovrn on iha motorvral  lart nigh'i.
        Used to                                                 Two-part  verbs whose object can come between or after the two
        We use used to + infinitive to describe past  states or habits that  parts. However, when the object is a pronoun, it must come
        someone did in the past but does not do now.            between  the two parts.
        Wo use.d to iivs, in Ner,^i  yorK.                      He turned  do'rrr thr  1ob  offer hr rrcrivrd
                                                                Ao roceived a jol, offer but ha turned ii down.
        Would can also be used to tatk about  past habits,  but it can't  Two-part  verbs whose obiect cannot come  between  the parts.
        be used to tatk about past states.  We use used  to to do that.  Wa havo 1o altrour  fon differonl  opinioni frcm  ataff membsr*.
        Wa vrould go to stal with our grandparontt every  *ummar.  Three-part  verbs whose object cannot come  between  the parts.
                                                                Hovr do  1ou  put up urith hic commanlt?
        1  Choose the correct words  to complete  the sentences.
           One, two or three answers  may be correct.           I  Complete the sentences with the correct form  of the phrasal
           1 Before  my brother had chitdren he   a motorbike.     verbs below. Where possible  use an obiect pronoun.
             a used to have  b would have  c had
                                                                   t.i,i;,:t :,:i"l ..:;.t  i);-f*    ;'r l.i'i tll.l'l
           2 My sister often gets  annoyed  with her husband -  he
                                                                      My otd school reports  were in a box -  I came  aaroae  them
  t          a would wind the children  up
  L                                                                   in the attic yesterday.
  t          b 's atways winding  the children  up
  .t                                                                  Carot's children  are very badly behaved -  I don't know
             c wittwind  the children  up
                                                                      how  she
           3 When  I was littte my mother   nursery rhymes to me     We're going  to have an early night as we   -  at
             at bedtime.                                              6 a.m. tomorrow.
             a used to sing   b would sing  c sang                    Matt's  girlfriend has teft him, so his friends are trying to
             I moved  out of lsaac and Maisie's  house  -  they
             when I was around.                                    5 Nobody  coutd prove that Bilt had stoten  the car and so he
             a were constantty arguing              -
             b would  argue                                        6  It's too hot and I'm feeling dizzy.  I think I   .
             c witt argue                                          7  The letter made  l(ar[ furious,  so he   --   and put
             Before she got married she   in Germany for two          it in the bin.              -_
             years.                                                   Emma's  dog bit her last night  -  it  --   as she
             a used to live   b tived         c would  live           was opening the door.
             lf it's not raining, I   to work.
             a usualtv walk  b used to watl< c 'lt watk
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