Page 111 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 111
Lool< at the photo. Worl< in pairs. Thinl< of as many other phrases as you can that
What are eBool<s and would fit in the gaps in the essay.
how do they work?
Read the first sentence Did the writer mention any of the arguments which you
ofthe essay in exercise 3 discussed in exercise 2? Which of the writer's arguments do
to checl< your ideas. you find most persuasive? Give reasons.
ln which paragraph does the writer:
1 state his/her own view for the first time?
2 reiterate his/her view?
3 give background information about eBooks?
4 focus on the proposition by turning it into a question?
ffi Worl< in pairs. Read the proposition below. Decide 5 give arguments supporting his/her view?
if you agree or disagree with it, and brainstorm ideas for and 6 give counter-arguments?
against the proposition.
ffi Worl< in groups. Discuss the questions.
eBooks will eventually make
1 Do you think any of the things in the photos wi[[ become
traditional books obsolete. obsolete in the future? Give reasons.
2 Can you thinl< of anything etse which might become
Complete the essay with the phrases below, adding capital
obsolete in the future? Justify your opinions.
letters where necessary. (Some of the phrases can go in more
than one gap, but there is only one set of correct answers.)
Oven the past few yeans we have seen the introduction
of eBooks: digital ver"sions of paper books which can be
downloaded fnom the Intennet onto small hand-held devices i
called eBook neadens. '- eBooks will inevitably have ;
an enormous impact on the sales of tr"aditional books,
but , will they become so popular. that they will
eventually neplace books?
Many of us already download mone music than we buy
fnom shops in CD fonm, and the same will soon be tr-ue of
films. in the next decade or so it will be the tur-n
of books. So what are the advantages of eBooks? A single
eBook readen can hold hundr.eds of digital novels, which in
thein traditional form would occupy metnes of shelving.
they are mone environmentally fr-iendly as they
save paper and thene ane no tnanspont costs. A, -, k- ii;+
5- ,"t'i:. ffi 1.; +,1
eBook neadens have two major- drawbacks: they 61
ane curr^ently veny expensive and they rely on baLteries.
, they ar.e sure to come down in pr-ice as they Mj;;
gnow in popularity, as computens and mobile phones ruw
have done, and l'm convinced that batteny-life will improve .a
enough in the coming yeans for. this no longen to be a
senious concern.
'-, then, alLhough eBooks are a nelatively new
phenomenon, l'm 8- that it is only a matter of time
befone eBooks make traditional books uneconomical and
therefore obsolete.
110 I Unit 10 , Endings