Page 106 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 106

Exptain  these  sentences from the listening exercise in your
                                                                    own words.
                                                                    1 By the finaI reel, inspiration is often replaced by rote.
                                                                    2 Special  effects have become the crutch  of lazy dramatists.
                                                                    3  (The  closing shot of The Third Man is) a shot that has
                                                                      echoed  through  movie history.
                                                                    4 When  someone does come  up with an originaI ending,
                                                                      everyone  apes it.
                                                                    Look at the tist of adjectives  that could  be used to describe
                                                                    the ending  of a film. Decide  whether each one has a positive,
                                                                    negative  or neutraI connotation. Use a dictionaryto help you.
                                                                    aruhigucul halfllng ciirl;r* t+*i-g**d haeiln*yrri
                                                                    h*;lrt"r*n*ing  ig"lc*nqru,:ir:,:,,.''r;:rns  norises:s:r*{
                                                                    *Terhlmwn s**tir*tii;tal shclri:ii:q  :Lr:iiter:i-ilftr
           ffi      Look at the tist of fitms. Have  you seen any of  suh[l* 1*::rilirrg r',ha:ught';:r'*."rr-;iri;lg  rrexi]rctfrj
                                                                    iir: se ii* lyi*g  ,"r;tg{!g
           them?  Do you remember  the ending?  Use the words  and
            phrases  below to help you describe  the ending.
                                                                    Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective  from
            a great  L#sl sh*t ai: uphe;ll fin*ie i:iralc           exercise  5. Several answers may be possible.  Compare  your
            e*uld sse it r*nrirlg crxr::atiraily  r.*h*rrnt         answers with a partner.
            ertd \s,,ith * {c.'r{isi ie*[-g**d  *n#ing [*rlg,*,ru*"*ut  1 Thefinatscene  is realty--   lwas cryingso much  I
            pxt4stifylng  c,-.nrlusiiln *ncaiisf,,ri*g
                                                                      could hardly see the screen!
            7 Shrek                                                 2 The ending is comptetely  -  you tend to assume
            2 Spider-Man                                              that the hero is going  to win, not die!
            3 Pirates of the Caribbean:  At World's  End            3 There's  a very  --   twist at the end of the film, which  I
            4 Enchonted                                               coutdn't  get out of my mind for days.
                                                                    4 Unfortunatety, the fitm's finate is totally
            5 The Sixth Sense                                                                                , with
            6 2001: A Space Odyssey                                   loud, frantic music  and huge special effects.
            7 Corrie                                                5 The fitm deals with tragic events, so I found the happy
            8 Before Sunset                                           'Hottywood'  ending totatly
            9 Love Actually                                         5 Thankfutty,  the director  avoided the obvious endings and
                                                                      opted for something far more
            6D  f .f + Listen to a film critic tall<ing  about the endings  of
            the films in exercise  1. What is his opinion of them? Write:  ffi   Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
            + (good),  -  (bad) or ? (doesn't  l<now yet) next to the film title.  Then  compare sentences with your partner,  iustifying  your
                                                                    opinions. Does  he or she know the fitm and agree about the
            6& f.t+  Listen again. Are the sentences true (D or false  (F),  ending?
            or is the answer not stated  (NS)?                      7  The film with the most touching ending l've ever seen is ...
            1 Unsatisfying endings to Hollywood films  are often the  2  The fitm with the most spectacutar ending l've ever seen
              result of fear.                                         is...
            2 Fitm studios  often use special effects because  they can't  3  The film with the most baffling  ending l've ever seen  is ...
              come  up with a good ending.                          4  The fitm with the most unexpected ending I've ever seen  is ...
            3 The fitm Titonic  confirms Hollywood's view of what
              audiences want.                                       ffi      worl< in pairs.  Discuss  the questions.
            4 The onty good  thing aboulThe Sixth Sense  was the    1 Why do you think American films tend to have more
              ending.                                                 happy  endings than European  films?
            5 Nobody  has succeeded  in solving the riddte at the end  2 ls there a l<ind of ending that you particularty  lil<e or
              2001: A Space Odyssey.                                  distike in films?
            6 lt is a shame  that almost every horror movie  fottows  the  3 Which  fitm that you've seen recently had the most
              example setby Carrie.                                   effective ending,  in your opinion? Why?
            7 The critic liked Before Sunset  because  the audience is left  4 Which  fitm had the worst ending, in your opinion? Why?
              not knowing if the lovers  get back together  at the end.
                                                                    D  VOCRAULARY  BUILDER  10.2: ADVERBS OF DEGREE:
            8 The critic hates alI films in which the lovers kiss at the end.  WORKBOOKPAGEll2  G
                                                                                                      Unit 10  Endings  105
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