Page 109 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 109

*, nead the text and explain  in your  own words  how the Darwin  Write the story of Larry Walters  by joining  each group  of two
           Awards get their name.                                   or three sentences  into one complex  sentence. When there
                                                                    are two possible  positions for a preposition,  choose the more
          The Darwin Awards                                         forma[.
          The various  individuals upon whom  the DarwinAwards are   1 Among  the 'near misses' is the story of Larry Walters.
          bestowed each  year are, by definition,  unaware  of the honour; and   Most fans of the Darwin Awards  are familiar with his
          even  if they were,  it certainly is not an award of which  any right-  i
          minded person could  be proud.This is because  the people to
                                                              t     2 ln 1,982, he attempted  a daring ftight using  only an
          whom it is awarded have  inadvertently  caused their  own dea[h  ordinary garden chair. He'd attached 45 helium  balloons
          through  an act of reckless  stupidity.  (The lamous  scientist that
          the awards  are named afrer put furward the theor"y  of natural   i  to it.
                                                              i     3 The ptan was to float up to a height of about ten metres.
          seleclion, according  ro which  inferior members of a species are
                                                                      He'd  be abte to enloy  a fine view of the surrounding
                                                                      terrain from that height. The plan had been worked out
          less likely to survive long  enough  ro pass on their genes.) Each  Z
          year:  Lhe Danvin  Awards  websrte  publishes  a number o[ such
          stories which are then voted  for by the public in order to select  i
                                                                      Unfortunately,  he rocketed into the air, climbing  more
          a winner. Although the purpose  of the award  rs, strictly  speaking,  :
          Lo celebraLe  these  bizarre  oealhs and the people  whose stupidity  than 5,000 metres. He remained at that altitude for more
          brought them  about, the website also includes  'near  misses', which   than fourteen  hours.
          r::l::aiT.:y:3:_l-""y-:9-=:*::ji::.*_.____*-_*_,:           Air traffic  controI received  bewitdered messages  from
                                                                      passenger  planes.  Their  pitots had seen Larry.
           Read the information  below. Then,  where  possible,  rewrite  6  It was a terrifying  ftight. Larry had no control over  it.
           the clauses in bold in exercise 1 with the preposition in a  7  Luckily,  Larry had brought his pistol. He burst some  of tht
           different  position.  lf it is not possible,  explain  why.  balloons with it.
                                                                    8 He gradually  descended  to the ground. At this point, he
             Prepositions  in relative  clauses                       was arrested by the potice.
             1  When  a relative clause includes  a preposition,  we
               can often choose  whether to put it at the beginning  Work in pairs.  Decide  which of the complex  sentences you
               or at the end. The latter is more common and more    wrote in exercise 3 could  be rewritten in a less formalstyle by
               informa[.                                            putting the preposition  in a different  position.
               That's the man  from  whom we bought  our cor,
                                                                    Add the information a-e to the correct  place in the text 1-5
               That's the man (who/that)  we bought  our car  from.
                                                                    using one or more relative  clauses.
             2  However, when the preposition  is part of a phrasal
               verb, it atways stays with the verb.                  One evening, Fabio  was chatting  to some friends.
               He adopted three children,  whom he looked afrer         Fabio was a 28-year-old  ltalian truck driver.  'I  He
               well.                                                took a gadget   out of his pocket  to show his friends. lt
               Mutti-word  prepositional  phrases  can go at the     looked like an ordinary  pen, but was in fact a pistot  aE  .
               beginning  or end, but we don't separate  the words.  Keen to demonstrate  the gadget to his friends, Fabio hetd
               We saw o cafd, in  front  of which  sot several diners.  it to his head and putled the trigger  5[.
               We passed  a cof6, which  severol  diners  sot in  front  of,
               We can't  put a preposition  at the beginning when the  a he'd recently become the proud owner of it.
               retative pronoun  is the subject of the fottowingverb.  b a single .22 calibre bultet could be fired from it.
               I bought  a house which hadn't been lived in  for    c  he was having a quiet  drink with them.
               yeors.                                               d at this point,  the gun  fired and Fabio died.
               The relative pronoun  may form part  of a noun phrase  e his hobby  was spy gadgets. He had some ofthem
               such  as some  of which, many  of whom, the  first  of  with him.
               which  or an adverbial phrase like atwhich point,
           l                                           for
               which reason,  in which case.                        ffiffiffiffi  Work in pairs. Student  A: Briefly retettthe  story
               I have three brothers,  the youngest  of whom is  five.  of Larry Walters  in your own words.  Student B: Briefly retell
               He recorded  more  than  fifty  songs, many  of which  the story of Fabio  in your  own words.  Try to use complex
               become hits-                                         sentences. Which  person  deserved  a Darwin Award more, in
               The host  fell  osleep,  at which  point we left.    your  opinion?  Why?
           ffiS& *gamm,{K  &Liir-*[*  :!i,].: ]itlt-$,]iv]:  {t_&u$($:
           p,q$g  1:3* ffi

    108 Unit 10  Endings
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