Page 114 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 114
1 Look quickty through the two excerpts from two emails, ignoring 3 6d l.rz Listen. Which three of the following four
the gaps. Decide: diatogues do you hear, and in what order?
a who each email is from. a togars an0 l0mas
b what the relevance of the photo is. b Tomas and Rita
c Rita, Edgars and Tomas
2 fUatch sentences A-G with gaps 1-6 in the emaits. There is one
d Edgars and Rita
sentence that you do not need.
A That would be a shame, because I've made some good friends 4 6'd :. r z Listen again, focusing on the speakers'
here, inctuding a really nice guy from Latvia catted Edgars. intonation. Say how each speaker sounds when they
B That's how I managed to earn enough money for the ftat say the words below. Then say what this implies about
deposit. what they are thinking or feeling.
C This was a bit of a disaster, as I'd atreadyfound a ftat and 1 Rita: 'Oh, I see. Professionat.'
needed to pay my rent. 2 Edgars: 'You don't have to say anything now.'
D lronicalty, she works for lnterPost, the company who let me 3 Rita: 'l've just accepted a promotion.'
down over that job offer. 4 Edgars: 'So you're moving to Edinburgh.'
E lt's in a great location too, onty a coupte minutes from a tube 5 Tomas: 'No, she hasn't said anything to me.'
station. 6 Tomas: 'Nobody tetls me anything.'
F As it happens, my flatmate's sister, Rita, works in lT and would 7 Rita: 'His face went red and he couldn't speak.'
be an ideal business partner.
G Who knows when another one might come along?
5 Work in pairs. Rote-play one of the foltowing dialogues:
Everythrng is going well here. l'm
. Edgars persuading Rita not to go to Edinburgh.
sharrng a f lat with two other women,
o Rita tetting her boss that she's leaving the company.
one from Lithuania and the other from
Poland. The f lat isn't huge, but rt's btg
enough and in relatively good conditron,
with modern furniture and appliances 6 Read the statement below. Decide whether you agree
'- (Everybody travels by tube here, or disagree with it. Make notes for and against. Use the
words and phrases in the box to hetp you.
it's the only way to avoid the traff ic )
Work rs gorng f rne. ln fact, l've recently
It is impossr'b/e to maintain a clase
been offered a promotion, which would
friendship with somebody who lives
mean more money as well as more
responsibilrty.Thedownsrde isthatl'd W I a long way away.
have to relocate to Edinburgh because
2- fl body language chat rooms emaiI face to face
that's where the company's head off rce is. We've really hit it off, f hang out physicat coRtact sociaI networl<ing sites
and between 1louand me, I think he quite fancies me. And of course, l
my brother is here too. But I suppose I should do what's bestfor my F 7 Write an essay of 20O-25O words using your notes from
career and accept the opportunity. Anyway, I haven't made a final I exercise 6.
decision yet.
F1:a!..=!rfr .XY!+tf'ffjlt1@i
I've been in London for six monlhs now. Can you beheve that? The time has real1y flown byl
I'm so sorry I haven't been in touch earlier, but I never seem to have lime.
t haven't had a particularly easy time srnce getting here, for one reason or another. Having
been offered a job at interview, I was lhen lold that I didn't have lhe job after all. a- I decided
[o sel up in business as a consu]tant, and it's reaIly taken off. In fact, I'm so busy that I'm
looking for somebody lo work with me - either an employee or a partner. 5- Not only is she I
rea1ly well qualified, bul we also gel on well together. However, she's currently in ful1-tlm" i
employmenl, so I'd have to lure her away from her job. u- She hasn't been lhere 1ong, so I
I doubl she'cl want to leave F
Sl<ills Round-up 1*10 , 113