Page 118 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 118

1  Choose the correct words to complete  the sentences.  We use the past perfect continuous  to tatk about tonger  events
          6ometi-mes       correct.).                           that were happening before another event in the  past.
                    Trn i*
          1 I prefer ltatian food,  --pizza  and pasta,         \'d bevn vraiiing {or an hour brlorr,  *ho arrive.d.
            a as  b like                                        We use used to + inlinitive to describe past  situations  or habits
          2 The weather was superb,   was the hotel.            that are different  now and would + infinitive is used to describe
            a as  b tike         -                              past habits that are different  now.
          3  --   you, I don't enjoy  staying in att day. You never move  tht used to go out   'orith  ion'
            from the sofa!                                      ula urould  go 1o Ihy cinoma evrrl iaiurdal ffiornint.
            a Lil<e b Unlike
                                                                We use the future in the past to tatk about things that were in
          4 My boyfriend's   yours in some  respects.
                                                                the future when we were taiking about them. We express these
            a as  b tike  -                                     ideas by using  structures simitar to the ones we normalty use to
          5 I don't work out every day,  you do.
                                                                talk about the future but changing  the verb forms.
            a as  b like
          6 '-   your  doctor,  I recommend  you to try and lose  I thought   loLl  i,{ere  going awal lor fta  r,.iesKpnd
                                                                Ha MiC he would  $o? \To nrl'i waak.
            weight,' said Dr White.
            a ni  b Like                                        1  Correct  the mistake  with narrative  tenses  in each  sentence.
          7 My sister's  ,  'Where's  my  jacl<et?'
                                                                   1 Although  the storm had passed,  the roads were still
            a as  b tike
          8 '-   your doctor,  I think  you shoutd lose some weight,'  treacherous because  it had-s*ewedalt  night.
                                                                     had bren srovr;ric
            his mum said.
                                                                   2 He climbed the stairs stealthily  and was entering the
            a As  b Like
       2  Comptete the sentences with os, tike or unlike. Sometimes  3 She crossed  a field when she spotted  a bullgrazing by
          two answers may be possibte.                               the gate.
          1 Owen enioys ptaying  team sports,   basl<etbatt  and   4 They coutdn't  tal<e the ftight because  they had been
                                                                     forgetti  ng their passports.
          2 '-'-_--'.---.-the rest of the family,  I'm fed up with your  5 As a chitd, Iwas sitting in the kitchen for hours watching
             moods,'  her mum said.                                  my mother cook.
          3        my brother, l'm notvery good at maths. He always  6 They used to be married in the spring,  but war brol<e out
             gets top marl<s!                                        and he was catled up.
          4 Your dad doesn't  go away on business   mine does.     7 My parents  would  live in a cottage in the country before
          5 You've  got  a car   mine, haven't you?                  they moved  to the city centre.
          6 We got tost on the way,   did most of the guests.      8 Our arms were aching as we had shifted boxes alI day.
          7 '      your  father  I think you should  seriousty consider  We weren't  lool<ing forward to continuing  the next  day.
             your future,' said Connor's  dad.
                                uWhere                          2  Complete the mini dialogues  with the correct form  of the
          8 My boyfriend's     ,      have you been?'
                                                                   verbs in bracl<ets.
             Narrative  tenses                                     1 'Why didn't she answer  the phone?'
       $,,r,,,1r$        -
                                                                     'Because  she was lling in the bath.' (lie)
       We use past tenses  to narrate past  events.
                                                                   2 'Why are you [ate?'
       We use ihe past  simple to refer to short actions and events that
                                                                     'Because  I          my train.'  (miss)
        are soon finished, [onger  actions and events  and to repeated
                                                                   3 'Have you got any  pets?'
                                                                     'Not now, but  I        a dog.'  (have)
        He watrsd down the streoi and boughl a nev.r$?aper                       ---
                                                                   4 'Why were they so ieihargic?'
       Wo [ivsd in Mancheclec  for 20
                               1e;1p5                                'Because  they          ry all day.'  (watch)
        I w*,nt to tho g1m rvarl worK laet                                    -
                                                                   5 'Do you remember  your grandparents weIt?'
        We use the  past  continuous  to set the scene of a situation in  'Yes, we     -  every summer  with them as kids.'
        the past. lt is often used to describe a background event  in  (spend)
        conjunction  with the past simple, which describes an event  or
                                                                   6 'Why was Annabel crying?'
        action that interrupted  it.
                                                                     'Because her boyfriend         .' (watk  out)
       The tL,n r,raa shininE and thr birds ware  srngrng
                                                                   7 'Why didn'tyou bool<a  hotet?'
       Thal ware cloaning  thr car wherr ii alarled to iain.
                                                                     'Because we had decided we         camping.' (go)
        We use the past perfect  to tatk about an event that happened
                                                                   8 'When  did you have your bag snatched?'
        before another event  in the  past.                          'While I           at the traffic tights.' (wait)
        I siartad thB olerriss and realissd  I had donp rt brfore..
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