Page 122 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 122
1. 1 neduced retative clauses rf + past perfect would have + past p.'- - :
We can sometimes form reduced relative clauses from li "iri] *** !fili .i*i,c 1'r*{.!1dflt }3!re iriil,r
identifying relative ctauses. ln a reduced retative clause we 'i:lr.,r,
drop the relative pronoun and auxiliary verb that hetps form the Mixed conditional
verb tense. We use mixed conditionals to say how an imaginary situalio- -
A kl *i ih* pcpb {who uvr+) 6ittir$ ai ih+ tabla lr?re rrl'{ rslalrvr.i the present depended on an imaginary event in the past takir.
Trr huiidingr (r*hack vrare-) ****tr*etc.d !n *?:* *ev*r;t!e* ai* r1!"" p la ce.
Reduced retative clauses cannot be used if the relative pronoun We form mixed conditionals with f + past perfect and would +
is not the object of the verb in the relative clause. bare infinitive in the resutt clause. lt's atso possible to put the lf
r 1 ' . r,
& bi li thr pa*pb wt":* ! talxael ts at t** *ab!* +, -i ',: clause at the end of the sentence.
I Join the two sentences using a reduced relative clause. l, r i: rti::t.. .: r. tt... .. ,r . . i . i :
1 Some information was given in the leaftet. ltwas wrong. if + past perfect would + bare infinitive
inmr rnicrrnalrcl ,. rrtl l';,'r'.r3f r{'silc,. .:
3r','.-r ., .:, ? Lr.!-..f.. " ,. :.
2 A ptayer was injured in the match. He was rushed to
hosp ita l.
3 Some boys are hanging around outside the shopping ln a more formal style the auxiliary verbs should, were and had
centre. They live on my estate. can replace if at the beginning of a conditionaI sentence.
4 A man was arrested last night. He is now in police custody. t{ { had *ss.c1 hu-r, { $*c;ld ?rave l*td hir:':
t*ad { *c"**r hi*, { uo*trd have tcld hln
5 Some hostages are being held by the hijackers. They are
atI members of the crerrr. We can use unless instead of if... notwhen we want to say we'll
6 Several emptoyees were dismissed for bad conduct. do the first thing if the second condition does not happen.
They have all been reinstated. utr'li havr ; i:ar''r,r*ile. x*i,*.e* i"l 'r;il*.
7 A tifeguard is jumping into the sea. He's going to rescue We can sometimes use as long as instead of if in first
someone. conditionaI sentences.
8 Some measures have been enforced by the government. : ' . d$ '.r"unC a* ' ' ^Ur '' ...1
They seem to be working"
9 A woman is standing on the podium. She's my mother. I Decide ifthe sentences are correct or not. Correct the
10 Some houses were destroyed in the earthquake. sentences that are incorrect.
They're going to be rebuilt. 1 You'd have passed yourtest ifyou hadn't been so
i . ,* Conditionats 2 lf l'd spoken better Engtish, I got the job.
3 She wouldn't have called unless she had a problem.
Second conditional
We use the second conditional to tatk about an imaginary 4 Suppose I hadn't been to the bank, how did we pay for
situation or event and its result in the present or future. that meat?
5 Had they arrived any later, the show would start.
We form the second conditional with the past simple in the
conditional if c.lause and would + bare infinitive in the result 6 You wouldn't be so tired if you wentto bed earlier iast
n ight.
clause. lt's also possible to put the if ctause at the end of the
7 Should you require any help, our catl centre is open
sentence. Furthermore, were can be used instead of r.,vas in the
24 hours a day.
conditional clause with l, he and she.
8 lf they'd been driving more slowly, they woutdn't crash.
i/+ past simple would + bare infinitive 2 Choose the first, second, third or a mixed conditional to
complete the sentences.
:i yrlir,'r'd {i.t{:L'!i.i r
1 You spent all your money in the sales. You're broke n0,,.,',
Third conditionat lf lrLi h;drr'1 *'enr -!i iri,'r;i.,ti ir irc ,;!*, lcLl ',!: ,: '
We use the third conditional to tatk about the imaginary result : ,^. r,-^k ' r,J.
of things that didn't happen in the past. lt is often used it to 2 I didn't know you lil<ed Cotdptay. I didn't buy you a iic(et
express criticism or regret. for the concert.
We form the third conditionat with i/+ past perfect, would have rf
+ past participte. lt's atso possibte to put the if ctause at the
end of the sentence.