Page 126 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 126
1 Complete the sentences putting the adjectives in brackeis
Adverbs and adjectives the correct order. You may also need to add an article.
Ad jectives 1 They purchased a eharming litt\a ihatch*d cottage in i-=
auction. (thatched, charming, little)
The order of ad jectives before a noun usuatty depends on their
2 She looked very stylish in
meaning. Adjectives which describe attitudes and opinions
evening gown. (sitk, btack, long)
usually come before atl other ad.iectives.
3 Joh n drives - sports car.
11 t an incrsdible cli Fre nrh painting
(fast, ltatian, elegant)
Adjectives referring to size, tength and height often come
4 They're going to pull down that
before age, colour, origin, materiaI and purpose.
building on the corner.
Ho'r gol an &normsus blaek Tapanera rnolorbiKs (concrete, grey, h ideous)
Numbers usually go before adjectives and the words first, next 5 Grace is hoping to meet
and last go before numbers. stranger white she's away. (tall, darl<, gorgeous)
' .lwo griiirh
art. m1 first old slarnpr. 5 Susan's down-and-out father wore
suit to her wedding. (check,
old-fashioned, scruffy)
We can usually use adverbs in three positions: at the
beginning, in the middte or at the end of a sentence. However,
Decide if the sentences are correct or not. Sometimes there is
most adverbs are only used in one ortwo of these positions.
more than one possibility. Correct the incorrect sentences.
We use adverbs that show our thoughts or feetings about
1 We'd tuckity booked a tabte for dinner the day before.
something at the beginning of a sentence. :,Jrk;1,, ,.dt'd DrO(? i a irblr
Personalll, l'm no1 :tai\1 irrtrrr;ted ir hrs i.iaar.
2 Zoe spent her chitdhood in Moscow and she can still
tlnfortunatatrl, we.vrrrn't be ab\r. io .crxr 1r tna waddirrg.
spea l< ftuently Russian.
We use adverbs of frequency in the middle of a sentence. 3 Unfortunatety, the young people in my area rarely put
They go after the verb ro be, between an auxiliary verb and a their litter in a bin.
main verb, and before atI other verbs. 4 | tost my job almost yesterday.
He was often \air 5 Basicatty, we never are going to finish on time.
fner'vt atr^ra'{s \;vr,1 he:a 6 She's been trying to eat healthity for the last weel< or so.
We usualt'6 plal at tha vrBskondr. 7 They occasionally in the summer go camping.
8 My cousin even didn't say thank you when we put her up
We also use adverbs of degree like almost, nearly and quite in
last weel<end.
the middte of a sentence.
Nr arr naarll therr m*3
r',:r -lng forms after preparatory it, nouns
lhe almost won tht rars $ $
When we want to say something was unexpected we use even and adjectives
before a verb. /f can be used as a preparatory subject or object far an -ing
MiKr Ev&n cocKod ir-rnch. i\nd i1 war rioodl form, especiatty in informal styte.
lha dldn't evan reiurn the mon*1 I dad irnt har.
We often use it with ad,ectives.
We usually use adverbs of manner with the verbs they describe.
tt wag intsr**iing haaring +rirat ha had tc ra1.
lf the verb has an obiect, the adverb fottows it.
it vrill b* gr*at saring lcLr ail again.
ihr has alwal* rung opora boauti{ulX.g
We often use if with ihe noun vvorfh.
1tr rh,\"re n at'. quicKll ar:d r^,en1 oul 1c p\a'y i
ls it reall1 uorih ,r,,',1 those.itai,;?
It waa vrorth a;Ilr:g {cr holp.
The object of lhe -ing form can sometimes become the sub.iect
of the sentence.
l"f'e ucrlh 6er.inq Psgsntr'a FarK.
Begent't ?ar* ,L .noilh,n.J
/f is also often used negativety with the noun use.
It won't bo an.g u*e. waiting harp for hifi,
Some nouns and adjectives can be fottowed by -ing forms.
A preposition usually joins the -ing form with the noun or
ad jective.
I haia tha idea of ge.tting bad a:arn rs*