Page 131 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 131
foin the sentences with a suitabte relative clause. Omit the
Retative clauses pronoun where possibte.
1 A man answered the phone. He refused to listen to my
ffan r"rho 1tha1 ans'l,rred thr phona refusrd 1o li*'lrn to
. ...:ti,..ri:r,:r:tariiiiil
r,,r ,i, I . t.rr .i r. t. ari.rt..,.j lr1 crnp\ain'i
who/that who 2 Some medicine got rid of my cough. lt tasted of tiquorice.
3 The Gotden Gate Bridge is an impressive sight.
wh ich /that which
We crossed it yesterday.
4 He's a pitot. His plane crashed yesterday.
when 5 The tift is being repaired. lt brol<e down yesterday.
wh ose whose 6 I asked a woman for information. She was very helpfut.
,.,,., liiril::.:.::tlilili:l..:
7 Britney Spears is hoping to make a comebacl<. She sang
Defining relative clauses Boby one more time.
Defining relative clauses give essential information about 8 The hotetwas ful[. We had booked it.
the person, thing or place in the main clause. Without this
Rewrite these retative ctauses in a more formal styte. lt is not
information the sentence would be incomplete.
possible to rewrite two of the sentences.
X:at't ri ,r ial ihat ue vranl t* bu,g
I mr.i thr prrson a':hc i* qdlim* t* ?xK* l,il.r' 'lhs dr.,p.:rlnorii. 1 The land which the river runs through betonged to my
l've bruqni 1lu 1nr blcr wki*h I i*l{i !iu.1 :i)il:,;i famity in the past.
l. 'a,:.\ ...rlr .,rl vL,:re iht. lir11i.[\owr b,lon.ird 1O m1
We can omit the relative pronoun when it is the object of the . ,, ,),-'
defining relative clause but not when it is the subject. ,
2 My grandfather, who I have the utmost respect for,
thai'r iha flal (that) vra wanl ln bu1
died fighting for his country.
lnr.i thr. prr;lr: wI'la ii qril', r ro lcko ovii rhr ot,rartrnpnt.
l'vr bought pu thr bcar (vrl'rl*Xr) i tnio 1lu abr',rl
3 Applications which are fitted in incorrectlywitlbe
Non-defin in g relative clauses
rej ected.
Non-defi ning relative clauses give non-essential information
about the person. thing or place in the main ctause. This extra 4 My mother's gtasses, which she cannot see without,
information must atways go between commas. look quite stylish.
thr Quarn, q"rho wa* wearifi* a bl&s *uffir$er drass o2rna,1 rr,o
rl.f, l,c5'u.lai :n lLar.r-igct"C. 5 Wittiam's best friend, who he has always confided in,
M.; rar, *rtr'lleh { b*ugtrtt 1a** 1*ar, ir aluale br*ai<,no r,r,,,n has just moved abroad.
We cannot omit non-defining relative pronouns from the
sentence. Neither can we use the relative pronoun fhof in ptace They gave away some old toys which hadn't been played
of which or who. with for years.
Prepositions in relative clauses
The watl which Ryan was standing on top of tooked tike it
lf a relative clause includes a preposition we can often choose
would topple over.
to put it at the beginning or the end of the clause. lf it is used at
the beginning of the clause it sounds more formal.
The boy who Sarah fe[[ in love with turned out to be a
This la lhr ;hirrrh lvi:trh) **r gri rnarrird ir-:.
th ief.
ltrir ls'ihr *hut!; tn ''thir1: wr, qri rnarrie.d.
We usually use the formal relative pronoun whom instead of
urho when a preposition comes before it.
the pzcplo uho I *pori. ir r^rer* .oal!1 hrlp{ul.
ltra parple 1t wharn i rperr wrrr rcail1 hrlp{ul
lf the preposition is part of a phrasal verb it stays with the verb.
i rnrl thl. man whr rot r-rp ihr rompail1 v;ith m1 {a1hri