Page 130 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 130
The passive is used when it's obvious who performed the 4 Wind power is the best solution to the gtobal energy
actio n. crisis. (sav often)
ths fira has {inalli baen pu* out. tt
The passive is also used to putthe main focus atthe beginning Oil is running out. (consider genera[ty)
of the sentence. lf we want to say who carried out the action we
introduce the person's name with the preposition by. Pubtic transport is too unreliable. (see usualty)
Those amails have been sent \ s0me.0n0 in this offica, and I want Pubtic transport
'to know uhol CommerciaI flights cause a great deaI of potlution.
(acknowledge widety)
1 Complete the article with the correct passive form of the verb Commercial flights
in bracl<ets. Ftooding has worsened in recent years. (report frequentty)
A study into the future of the world's monkeys It
carried ou1 (carry out) recently by animal experts,
the results of which 2 (retease) at an ffi wha tever, whoever, wherever,
internationaI conference last month. however, etc.
During the survey it r (find) that 303 of the
We use whatever, whoever, wherever, however, etc. to say
634 primates studied may soon become extinct in the wild; 69
it doesn't matter what, who, where, how, etc. because
species 4 , (ctassify) as criticatly endangered
the outcorne witt be the same. As these expressions are
since the results became known.
conjunctions, they can come at the beginning or in the middle
The main reason for the rapid dectine in numbers
5-- of a sentence.
(identify) in the report as deforestation.
Whalev*r you sa1, I won''t change. rn1 rninri.
However, in some areas more damage 'lima
vls had a groat in ltaly, whsravar wa went.
(do) by locaI people who hunt the
We can also use howeverwith an adiective or adverb to mean
animals for food. Monkeys 7 (eat) in
it doesn't matter to what extent. ln these sentences we can
severalregions of Africa and Asia.
sometimes leave out the verb to be.
Conservationists want wortd leaders to take urgent Howavr.r interasting (t is), t don't ,-'rafi'! 'lc ore thr pla1.
measures to protect these animals in the hope that they
(save) from extinction in the near future. 1 Comptete the sentences using the words below.
Passive structures with consider,
believe, etc. 7 l'm not telling you my phone number, you are.
2 Don't go out with Mandy's brother,
We sometimes use passives with an introductory subject to you do.
3 We can meet up day is best for you.
tatk about things in a general sense. Some the verbs most
4 People are seldom satisfied with their salary
frequently used in this way are believe, consider and feel. -
This man ie considerod erlreme\1 dangerous much they earn.
We can meet
l.i i* fetl thai ihr qovrrnmrnt *rut do iornathing aboul infla1ion. you've got time, I've got a
flexibte schedute. -
1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive using the words in My tittte brother follows me I go.
1 NationaI security is of paramount importance. (believe
thal nalional *curitl i* of paramouni
2 Human actions are responsibte for gtobat warming.
(accept widely)
Monsoons are a tropical phenomenon. (regard usually)