Page 127 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 127
Complete the sentences with the words below and the -ing We use not only... but also... to emphasise that two negative
form ofthe verb in brackets. events have happened.
He \os1 his job and his wifa le ft him
--/ Not onll drd his vlf. ieavr him but he atso losr hrsjob
1 lt's no utr raporl ng the crime. Yourwallet will never be
AdverbiaI expressions of place
found. (report)
2 It was your mother out for lunch. Adverbial expressions of place can be put at the beginning of
a sentence for emphasis, especially when they are followed by
She didn't eat anything. (take)
intransitive verbs such as come, sit, stand or walk.
3 lt's no -.- on at school if you aren't
going to study. (stay) Hr walrod up tha hi!!
Up tha hill ha v,a\rsd
It's been to you. Thank you for your
We can also use phrases such as the problemltroubleltruthl
time. (tatl()
It was with the same otd problems, factlquestion is.
Tho problam ia hr dos*r''i do an1 uorK.
day in and day out. (deat)
We sometimes use the auxiliary verb do to add emphasis to the
6 rt isn't our house right now. (selt)
main verb.
Comptete the sentences using the word in bracl<ets and an tNo rrall1 do eryo1 his rocrtals a'i tha conceri he\l
-ing form.
1 Comptete the second sentence adding emphasis.
1 Nobody urants to have an operation. fthought)
1 The four officers jumped into a waiting police car.
People don't Like''' :: : -".t-', :':','-r.t. -_ ii :;?.j-,1 .
into r uu,lriri colrrr ;:r rs,pr d rho {oLrr of{icBrr.
2 Of course l'll pass alL my exar-ns. i.ccrficeni'l 1,
2 The party had hardLy got going when the tights went out.
3 Everybody thinks that Nadalwitlwin. (chance)
3 lVe got ccmpieteiy carried away. That's the truth.
Nadal has
The truth is
4 Her main concern is that her children may get [ost.
(worried) 4 The captain reported the fauit as soon as we took off.
No sooner
Sh e's
5 I've never spent the night in an igloo before. (strange) 5 They need to improve public transport to solve the
congestion problem.
It'lt be
l(ids rarely lil<e thinl<ing that their parents might split up.
(thought) 6 I miss my otder sister the most.
Most chitdren hate It's
7 Two armed soldiers stood outside the palace.
Emphasis Outside
8 We didn't pay for the ftight. We paid for the hotet. (do)
We add emphasis to written Engtish by using special structures. We didn't
Cleft sentences
2 Rewrite the underlined phrases in the text to add emphasis.
We can use tt islwas... emphasise different parts of a
Use the words in brackets for 3, 4,6 and 7.
sentence from the verb.
Jacr \orl ihe camera solitary figure stands in front of the ruins of his house.
li uras facK vrho \ost tlt camrra. '?Neither a bomb nor a fire caused the destruction. but a
ll was tha La$tora lhat f,ac< lori formidable tornado, which roared through the French town
of Hautmont last Sunday night. The storm ripped houses
We can use What... islwas... to emphasise the subject or object a
apart and kitled three peopte. Nobodv knows what turned a
of a sentence.
thunderstorm into a devastating tornado.
kaio sold her flat \{hat Kats *old was hsr flai
Paul l(nighttey, at the Tornado and Storm Research
lnversion Organisation, believes that a supercell struck the north of
Some negative adverbs can be used at the beginning of a Fra n ce. Su percells a re exceptiona lly powerfu t th u n derstorms.
sentence to add emphasis. ln these cases the auxiliary verb is They rotate tike a slowty spinning carouset but deep in their
put before the subject. lf there is no auxiliaryverb do, does or centre a faster-spinning column of air drops down to the ground
did is used. as a tornado. " These storms occur frequently in the USA. but
l've. nrve.r gr.on euch an animal. Never have I *een such an anirnai / they haven't been seen in northern Europe before.
t(e rarr\1 arrivod on iimo. Farell did w& arrivo on iima