Page 117 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 117
Complete the sentences with the phrasalverbs betow. Use an Comptete the sentences with the infinitive form of the
obiect pronoun where necessary. phrasal verbs below and an object pronoun.
rrt ,tr .t.
'Did you watch the fitm att the way through?' 1 Jim was going past the station so I asl<ed him'to drop
'No, ldroppe d otIin the middte.' mc off outside.
'Did you see Becky yesterday?' lf they want to rent out the cottage, they'll have
'Yes, l in the supermarket.' first.
'Does your boyfriend think he'tt get the iob? ' 3 -*,- * I hope . soon.
I haven't washed the car
'No, he thinks they 4 We've thoroughly enfoyed our stay. lt was so kind of you
'Do you l<now where you went wrong in the exam?'
'Yes, my tutor with me.' 5 Jane's phone is always engaged - it's impossible
'Does your school still have a uniform?'
'No, they 6 Once you start smoking, it's very hard
'Did they catch the thief?' 7 Keira bought a dress but couldn't find shoes
'No, he
'Do you stilI see your o[d neighbours?' :_* q
. as and like
'No, I
'Does Harry always turn up for football practice?'
Like is a preposition and it is used with a noun or a
'No, he often
pronoun to describe simitarities.
Phrasal verbs: passive and infinitive M1 broll,rr'r rusi liKe m1 dad
forms lJnlikeis also a preposition and it is used with a noun ora
pronoun to describe dilferences.
Some phrasalverbs that have an object can be used in the tlntlXs darr, t don''i ar3o1 uaiching raali'q showr
passive. As in alt passive structures, the subject comes before
As is a conjunction and it is used urith a subject and a verb
the verb. This means the two or thee parts of the phrasaI verb to describe simitarities.
atways stay together. This atso applies to infinitive structures: Ha's , c{ood plalar. as his falhar r*at whan he war
?isasa switch jour.omputer off urhon leavo the ct, 1ou'rge.
1cu "e.
?Va*o maie sure your compu'irr is sc$itckod off wirar \,011 leave However, in informal speech 1il<e is also often used as a
co nj u n ctio n.
the of{ia
iha doeen't dragc [iKa do. iha hasn't got r\te
11'e varl difficuli 1o get through to him. He novar \isleru 1ou lour
ln written Engtish, when os is fotlowed by an auxitiary or
1 Rewrite the second sentence with a suitabte passive form of modal verb the word order of questions is often used.
the phrasalverb in bracl<ets. i1a uani, as d;d his brothers, to a boardinq echooi
1 A gang attacked Tom on his way home. (beat up) As is used to tatk about the job a person has. ln this case it
Tom l.ras baateir :rp on his way home. operates in the same way as a preposition.
2 They've cancetled the match. (catl of0 As lcur daclor I rrcommrrrd )ou giva up iroKin6
lhe match
lf we reptace as with like in this sentence it changes the
3 Her grandparents took care of her. (bring up) meaning. As means'l am your doctor' and tike means'l have
She by her grandparents. the same opinion as your doctor'.
4 A tocal builder is doing the work. (cany out) LiKe lour doctor, I rercrrmend yol, g:,. Ltp smoking
The work by a local builder.
ln very informatspeech like can be used to introduce
5 500 workers wi[[ lose their iobs. (lay of0
reported speech.
500 workers
M1 dac war liKo, '$lha'i"iinir do you call this?'
6 The police stopped the riot. (break up)
The riot by the police. Notice how the function of like can change depending on
whether it comes before or after a negative ctause.
7 An accident is detaying the traffic. (hotd up)
The traffic by an accident. LiKe rnr sislzr, i'm n01 Kprr or corrcdies
(She doesn't lil<e them and neither do l.)
8 His boss has refused his transfer request. (turn down)
l'm nol Ke"sn cn comodios, iiKr m1 *irtrr.
His request
(My sister likes them but I don't.)