Page 115 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 115

f4lilf#Ftll|filTfi!  Read the text in the Reading exam task,  3  Read the information about synonyms  of old and complete
            ignoring the gaps. ln what  order will the Sun turn into these  the sentences with the adiectives  in the correct form,  Justify
            types  of star?                                         your choice of adiective.
            a a black dwarf b a red giant c a white  dwarf
         2  oo the Reading exam  task.                               old
                                                                     elderly  aeed  . long-lived.  mature
                                                                     These words all describe  si: who  has  lived  for a long  time
                                                                     or th.rr  usually live5 lor a long time.
            Read the text carefully  and decide which sentence (A-F)
                                                                     old having Iived  for a long trme; no longer young:  She's
            best fits each gap (1-5).  There  is one sentence that you  getlingold  \h€ \ 75 next \ror.
                                                                     etrlerly  (ratherlormal)  used  as a polite  rvor<J  {or 'rild':  She
            do not need.
                                                                      is very busy mringfor  two  elderly  relatives.
                                                                     aged  (formofl  verv  old: Har tng agetl relativet  lo slay in
            The end of the world                                      yout  houte  tan be quitc  strp\5lul.
                                                                     long-lived havirrg  a long lite: lasting lor a long  time:
                                                                      fveryone in my  lontily  is uteplionally  long.lived.
            The  Sun is now approximately  half-way  through  its life span.  lt is
                                                                     rrlat$r€  used as a polite  or humorous  way  of saying that
            in a  'dynamic  equilibrium'  -  there  is gravity  on one hand  and the  :b rs no longer you ng:  dothes  Jor  thc malure  woman
            fusion  process  that'fuels'the  Sun on the other hand.
            Astronomers  still don't know all the exact details but they know  1 The   person in the world  is 177.
                                                                    2 A 4}}-year-old clam may be the
            thatthe  Sun  will startto  swell  up and turn into  a red giantwith  a                    animal known.
            diameter  about 100 times greater than its current  size.   The  3 There are over eleven miltion   peopte  in the United
            Earth will be scorched  at this point, leaving  the planet unsuitable  Kingdom, according  to the most recent census
            for life. Pluto, in fact, would  be the only place suitable for any life  4 This particular  dating agency is for men  and women of
            in the solar system.  At the very end of its life cycle, the Sun is likely  vpa rq
            to blow off its outermost layers. lt will then shrink  to the size of the  5 Women  have traditionally borne the brunt of supporting
            Earth, surrounded  by a glowing  bubble of gas  called  'planetary  relatives.
            nebulae'.   Astronomers  have  observed many Sun-like stars
                                                                 4  Do the Speaking  exam task.
            in their final  stages, before becoming  white  dwarfs. The  images  of
            planetary  nebulae are spectacular  and each looks like no other.
            The  expelled gas  has intriguing  symmetrical  patterns  as well as
            more chaotic  structures.                               Compare and contrast the two photographs.  Answer  the
            A white dwarf  derived  from  a star as massive  as the Sun will  questions.
            be roughly  the same  slze  as the Earth.  'I   tfre  gravity  on the
            surface will be over 100,000 times what we experience  on Earth!
            0nce the white  dwarf  has  reached its minimum  size, it will have  a
            temperature  of over 100,000  Kelvin  and shine through  residual heat.
                Because  the Universe is only 13.7 billion years old, there  are
            no black dwarfs yet.
            0ne thing  is for sure: if the human  race hasn't migrated to another
            solar system  within the next five billion years, it is sure  to become
            A The star will gradually cooI and eventually, after
              hundreds of bittions of years  of radiating,  it witt no
              longer be visible, becoming a black  dwarf.
            B The gases will eventuatty  disperse in the course  of
              severaI thousand  years  [eaving  behind  a white  dwarf.
            C lt wilt be so dense that a teaspoon of white  dwarf
              material wilt weigh severaI tonnes.
              It will continue to burn in this stabLe condition  for a
              further five bitlion  years, when it will start to change.  7  ln your opinion, at what age do peopte become  'old'?
              This means that the radiation,  which initiatty  will be  2 What  effect  wi[[ increasing life expectancy  have on
              very high, wit[ lessen  with time.                      soci ety?
              It witt be so big that it witI engutf Mercury, while Venus  What, if anything,  can we learn from talking to etderly
              witl probabty orbit  iust  outside  the Sun's surface.   peopte?  Give examples.

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