Page 101 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 101
ffiffi- ffiffilffi Discuss the quotation by academic Noam
Chomsl<y. ls it an argument against or in favour of
Passive structures with verbs like regard, consider
censorship? Do you agree?
and believe mal<e statements appear less personaI
If we don't believe in freedam of and are therefore often appropriate in an essay. The
expression for people we desplse, ptain statement: 'Censorship is undesirabte.' coutd be
we don't believe in it at all. rephrased in these ways:
Censorship is usually regarded as undesirable.
Read the essay. What is the writer's basic answer to the Censorship is generally considered (to be) undesirable.
question in the titte? Censorship is often seen as undesirable.
tt is widely accepted that censorship is undesiroble.
It is often said thot censorship is undesirable.
Should freedom of speech It is generally believed that censorship is undesirable.
always be defended? Read the Writing trp. How many times is this type of passive
structure used in the model text? Choose one other sentence
The first amendment to the American Constitution defends every which could be rephrased in this way and rewrite it.
citizen's right to free speech, and most democracies around the
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world pride themselves on a lack of state censorship. lndeed,
the fact that newspapers and TV news stations report stories
which are highly critical of the government is seen as one of the Match 1-6 with a-f to form common collocations. Checkyour
srgns of a healthy democracy. But how far should this lack of answers by finding them in the essay in exercise 2.
censorship extend? ls it possible to have a society which places 1 free a oprnrons
absolutely no controls on information? 2 state b security
Freedom of speech is usually regarded as one of the 3 personaI c speech
cornerstones of democracy. lt is essential that the content of 4 false d resutts
newspapers, for example, is decided by the newspaper editors 5 nationaI e censorship
and not by politicians or police. lf politicians were allowed to 6 catastrophic f accusations
determine what should or should not be printed, they would be
Comptete the sentences with the collocations in exercise 4.
able to suppress any information which did not put them in a
good light. Corruption would increase and there would be no way 1 lt was fett that revealing the government's nuclear plans
of exposing politicians'wrongdoings, Moreover, it goes without could jeopardise
saying that ordinary citizens in a democracy should be allowed to 2 Whatever her may be, she never criticises
voice their personal opinions without fear of intimidation. her employer in public.
Having said that, it is clear that total freedom of speech 3 Attempts to close down the website have been portrayed
is impossible, or at least extremely risky. This is because as an attack on
sometimes it is necessary to limit freedom of speech in order to
4 Allowing peopte to stir up raciaI hatred could have
protect individual members of society or society as a whole.
- in a multiracial society.
An example of this would be the laws against libel. These
ln some countries, prevents newspapers
prohibit you from making damaging and untrue statements about
from printing the truth.
somebody. Without this protection, people's lives could be ruined
The minister claimed that he was entirety innocent and
by false accusations.
had been the victim of
It is widely accepted that some information needs to be kept
secret for reasons of national security or crime prevention. lf a trffffiffi.,ri]ffi Discuss whether it is more important, in your
newspaper was allowed to print details of a secret anti-terrorist opinion, to protect freedom of speech or to protect people
operation, there might be catastrophic results. from false accusations. Give reasons.
To sum up, I would say that freedom of speech should be
defended in the majority of cases. However, there will always
be situations in which this freedom would have negative
consequences. ln those instances, I belteve that it is necessary
to sacrifice freedom in order to protect people's lives.
100, Unit9 Secrets