Page 98 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 98

3 Match sentences a-gwith  gaps 1-6 in the text. There is one
                                                                  sentence that you do not need.
                                                                  a  His organisation  now gets 1,000 such stories a week.
                                                                  b  People were more  tikety to betieve  that there was  a
                                                                    conspiracy behind  it if he was kitled than if he was
                                                                     un in  ju  red.
                                                                    And yet, it reatty does exist: members agree not to reveal
      TXilffi{}[Ar$Ttt:                                             the contents of their discussions,  and the minutes of the
                                                                     meetings are not published  for 50 years.
                                                                    Observers  of the phenomenon,  more pronounced  in
       to                      you?                                 society.
                                                                    America  than  here,  say that their increasing prevatence
                                                                     is destabitising  vulnerable  individuals and undermining
                  $?A                                             e That is how conspiracy  theories  gain momentum,  even

                                                                    though there is no reaI evidence  to support them.
         psychologist  at Royal  Holloway College, London, who
                                                                  f  One held that he had been spying for the Chinese,  and
         has been studying why conspiracy  theories are so          was spirited away by a Chinese  submarine.
         appealing, said: 'Conspiracy  theories feed into a feeling  g A timited  understanding  of the wortd makes  conspiracy
         of disconnection  with  government.  People  don't like gaps  theories seem  more  ptausibte.
       .: in their accounts;  they have a need to believe them. They
                                                               4  Rephrase  the underlined parts ofthese excerpts from the
         invent fantastical things that protect  them from the real
                                                                  article in your  own words.
         world.' ln one experiment,  he showed  people footage  of a
                                                                  1 A bizarre  conspiracy  theory was sptashed across the
         fictional president who was shot at, and provided fictional
         newspaper  arlicles.   o  E   l"  concluded: 'People think that  2 They ... fueI the stories.
       :o a big event must have  a big cause, but often things  are
                                                                  3 When it is written down ... it comes  packaged  as truth.
         caused  by mistake or accident,  not conspiracy.'
                                                                  4 There are other reasons why conspiracy  theories  are
            Thousands  of people die in Europe  every year in car
                                                                    gaining  currency.
         accidents  resulting  from fast driving and too much alcohol.  5 Peopte are becoming further  removed  from seats of
         But when  Diana,  Princess of Wales  died, many could  not  potiticaI  and industriaI  power.
       ,s occept  that such an impoftant  event could  have such a  6 When  Harold Holt disappeared,  conspiracy  theories
         simple cause. Many believed  that she was assassinated      ran wild.
         by the secret services  to stop  her marrying a Muslim. ln  7 Such is the pubtic appetite  for conspiracy  theories,  there
         Australia  there were  161 suspected  drownings  between    is money to be made.
                                                                  8 There's  danger  in buying into pat exptanations.
         1961 and 1985 in which the bodies were never found.
       :c But when  Harold Holt, the Prime Minister,  disappeared  DD  VOCRSULARY  BUILDER 9.2:  LITERAL  AND FIGURATIVE
         when swimming  in 1967, conspiracy theories ran wild.  s  I  LANGUAGE: WORKBOOK PAGE 112 G
            Such is the public  appetite for conspiracy  theories,
                                                                  ffi      Give an example  of:
         there is money  to be made.  Baft Sibrel makes money
                                                                  1 a story that has been sptashed across the media  very
         selling  his video claiming that the first moon landing was a
       :; fake.
                                                                  2 something which,  in your opinion, is fuetted by
            There is no simple way to determine the truth  of a
                                                                    the lnternet.
         conspiracy theory. 'The danger lies in buying overarching
                                                                  3 something which is packaged  as truth, but in your
         explanations of complex  events.  That having  been said,
                                                                     opinion is not.
         there's danger in being too complacent  and buying       4 an idea which  is gaining  currency  in your country.
       -:  into pat explanations of extraordinary occurrences,'  Mr
                                                                  5 one of the main seats of power  in your country.
         Alexander said. ln other words,  scepticism  can go too  6 a rumour  which  has run witd in your school but which
         far. When stories began to circulate about the Bilderberg   may not be true.
         Group, a secretive  grouping  of the world's  political  7 something which there seems to be a growing public
         and business elite,  most  people dismissed  it as just  a  appetite  for in your country.
       '5 conspiracy theory.   6  [                               8 something which you personally refuse  to buy into.
            Mr Alexander says that the growth  of conspiracy
                                                               6  ffi      Discuss  the questions  with the class.
         theories is not something  just  to laugh  at, 'lt's dangerous  if
                                                                  1 Describe  any conspiracy  theories that are specific to your
         your  belief system makes you  see the world  in a way that's
                                                                     own country.
         unreal.  Conspiracy theories can affect a whole society and
                                                                  2 Why do so many conspiracy  theories  involve  the USA?
       ,r make  the society mad,'
                                                                  3 Are conspiracy  theories  harmtess  or damaging?
                                                                     Give reasons.
                                                                                                     Unit9'Secrets  97
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