Page 94 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 94
Vocabulary r gossip and secrets r giving and withholding information t colloquial omissions
r literaI and figurative [anguage r vague language Secrets
Grammar e passive structures r the causative . participle phrases
Speal<ing r talking about gossip and secrets E talking about spy stories r tatking about
conspiracytheories r drawingconclusions
Writing r an oPinion essaY
ffiffi Worl< in pairs. Describe what the peopte in the
photos are doing. Why do you think they might be doing it?
How might you explain their expressions? Use the words
below to help you.
confide (in somebody) drop a bombshetl
eavesdrop (on a conversation) gossip (n & v) indiscreet
outraged rumours scandaI scandalised scandalous
db :.OZ Listen to three people gossiping over the phone.
Complete each sentence with the information you hear, using
up to four words.
1 Kate teIts Gerry that Harry has got
2 She urges Gerry not to tetI anyone because Harry hasn't
3 She claims onty to have told Gerry the secret because he
4 Brian tetls Jake about secret plans to
5 He suspects that some of the peopte involved in the deal
6 Jutia tetts Karen about two friends who started a
Rewrite these sentences using expressions from exercise 3.
7 She reveals that Sue is very keen to l<eep the relationship More than one answer may be possible.
secret from her .
1 Don't tell anyone who you heard this from, but lthinl< my
8 She expects the secret witl eventuatly come out when the
brother is getting married.
couple - I discovered a few interesting titbits about her private
6d :.OZ Choose the correct word in these expressions. life, but I won't telI a sou[. My tips are sealed!
Then tisten again and checl<. 3 Her ptans for next year are top secret.
4 For the time being, they're withhotding the identity of
1 Have you heard the latest / newest?
their new manager.
2 I'm telting you this in the firmest / strictest confidence.
5 l'll tetl you my secret because I know you aren't a gossip.
3 lf word / truth gets out, it'[[ cause...
6 She totd me one rea[[y fascinating secret about Tony. lf it
4 Harry's the heart / soul of discretion.
ever becomes common knowledge, he'tt be furiousl
5 He hasn't breathed / whispered a word to anybody.
6 I know it won't go any longer / further. ffi Worl< in pairs. Discuss the questions. Then
7 | managed to glean clean some information. compare your ideas with the class.
8 lt's futty / highty confidentiaI at the moment.
1 What kinds of topic often form the basis of gossip?
9 Don't quote / repeat me on this, but...
2 Why are so many people interested in gossip?
10 I've got some reatty fruity I juicy gossip for you.
3 ln what ways coutd gossip be damaging?
11 lt's allvery hush-hush / hush up.
4 What woutd be the advantages and disadvantages of
72 fheywon't be abte to keep it under hats / wraps for ever.
being friends with a gossip?
Unit 9 Secrets 93