Page 92 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 92

Speaking                                                     Dublin's  physicat  appearance is misteading  because  it
                                                                     makes the city
        1  Choose a capital city that you would like to visit. Think about
                                                                     A seem poorerthan  it reatly is.
           why and make notes.
                                                                     B seem cotderthan it reatty is.
        2  Worl< in groups.  Present your  ideas to the other members of  C seem  less lively and up^to-date  than it reatty is.
           your group.                                               D took grander and wealthier  than it realty is.
                                                                     What has been the effect of European  funding  on Dubtin?
        Reading                                                      A The city has become  very  expensive.
                                                                     B The city has changed  faster  than the rest of lretand.
        3  Read the text. For questions 1-4, choose the best answer.
                                                                     C The city no longer has a strong sense  of history.
                                                                     D The city has rebuitt many of its deretict buitdings.
                                                                     The fact that Dubtin's population has grown rapidty
                                                                     A is good news for people under 25.
                                                                     B has had positive  and negative  consequences.
                                                                     C has damaged  the economy  of other regions.
                                                                     D has meant some  people can't find housing.
                                                                     The writer advises  visitors  to Dubtin  to
                                                                     A see both the otd and the new parts ofthe city.
                                                                     B ignore  whatever they previousty  thought  about the
                                                                        c ity.
          Dublino a  & w iir              .:,::::                    C ignore  the city's bad points.
          Low-slung,  grey and soHd, IreLand's premier city can [ook  D find out about the history of the city before  they arrive.
         surprisingly  dark and gtoomy  at first glance.  Its appearance -
         the resu[t of its 1gth-century  architecture  of Irish stone and  Listening
         granite  - is deceptive. The town itsetf is anything but gloomy,
                                                                4  6d  ;.OS Edgars, Tomas and Rita are on holiday in Dublin.
         and it's not the stodgy, oLd-fashjoned  city of the late 20th
                                                                   Listen and identify  the three [ocations  for the diatogue.
          century. Behind  atL those sturdy columns  and beneath atL that
          grey is the rea[, modern, Euro-Dubtjn  -  an affluent  place  fiL[ed
                                                                5  6d :.Ot Listen again.  Comptete each  sentence with  a single
         with trendy  coffee shops,  organic  juice  bars,  pricey  five-star
          restaurants  and expensive  designer  boutiques. The European
          money that has ftooded  jn  over the Last decade changed  many  1 Edgars  says that the hoteI reservation was made
                                                                   2 Edgars  complains that his room Iooks  really
         things in Ire[and, but it altered  Dubtin most of aLL, catapuLting
                                                                   3 One bad thing about the hotel restaurant is that they are
         this historic  town from the early 20th century, where it had
          [ingered  too Long, into the 21st, where  it now revets  in  jts  own  made to
                                                                   4 By the time the food arrives, Rita no Ionger feets
          success.                                                 5 Regarding  his new business, Edgars feels   '
           Gone  are the days when many visitors  to Iretand  chose to
                                             jn                    6 Rita would prefer to have their next meal  in the   .
          skip  Dubtin  attogether.  Nowadays, a weekend   Dubtin  is one
          of the hottest city breaks in Europe, as people  pite into its otd
                                                                Writing                                     -
          pubs and modern  bars,  shop in its thriving  markets  and matts,
          and relax in its trendy  caf6s.  Because  of a[[ of thjs. Dublin's
                                                                6  lmagine  you are Edgars,  Rita or Tomas.  Make a note of three
          population has swo[[en to 1.5 mi[[ion; more than a thjrd of
                                                                   different things you were  unhappy with at the hotetin Dubtin.
          the Irish population  ljves in this city, which,  whjte good news
                                                                   lnvent  details or use information from the diatogue.
          for the economy,  has resjduaI side effects of overcrowding,
          high property prices.  and gridtocked  traffic. It has atso  hetped  7 Write  a letter of complaint to the hotet.  Say:
          make DubLin  one of the wortd's most youthful  cities, with  an
                                                                   r  what  you are comptaining  about and why.
          estimated  50% of the population  under 25 years  o[d.
                                                                   .  what  you woutd tike the hotel to do about it.
           It is a contrary, amusing, complex  small city, and my advice
          to those who haven't been here in a white, or who have never
          been here is this: the first thing you should do is Leave your
          preconceptions  behind. Then you can see this historic, modern,
          flawed, charming. and entertainjng city for what it realiy is.

                                                                                                   Skitts Round-up 1-8  91
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97