Page 95 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 95
ffi Have you everfailed to keep a secret? lf so, what CotloquiaI omissions
were the consequences?
ln informal, spoken Engtish, we often omit unstressed
words at the beginning of the sentence (pronouns,
Complete the text with the verbs below.
articles, etc.) provided the meaning is ctear. For exampte:
ir*Luly i;t.rulI .i!rr:li.r fnli fleiy;* tirt giv* Can't talk now! (l con't talk now.)
iT# h*[ci irlil;r
Vow to Keep secret
Just don't tetl anyonel Avojd the subject as much as you can.
ShouLd it r- up in conversation for whatever reason,
iq nora nce.
Never hints jn company that you know a secret but
can't say what it is. This is Like a red rag to a butl. The peopLe Read the information in the Learn this! box. Then cross out
you are with wjl.L try to '- the information out of you and any words in the dialogue that you think could be omitted
you probably won't be abte to 5- out.
6- in normal, colloquial speech. (You may have to mal<e other
. If you feel yourself weakening, your motivation by
minor changes as a result.)
focusing on why ifs so important to keep the information
secret. Is it to avoid ruining a surprise? 0r to protect a friend's r*
I Sam Are you on your way home?
reputation? i
i Colin No. I'm iust hanging around.
. Whenever you're tempted to 7 a friend's secret,
5am Do you fancy a coffee?
remind yourself of the long-term damage that this could do
Cotin Sure.
to your friendship. At the same tjme. teLL yoursetf that being
trustworthy is a wonderfut trait to have. Sam lt's my turn to pay.
o Don't 8 into the trap of thinking you can tel.L just one Colin Thanks. So, how are you?
other person provided you insist that it shoutd e- no Sam I'm good. How are you?
further - - it always doesl And sooner or Later, your lack of Colin I can't grumble. Have you
discretion will 10- back to your friend. heard any good gossip recently?
e If you know you're bad at keeping secrets, don't encourage 5am I have, as it happens.
peopLe t0 share them with you - or at least them Colin Wetl, go on then. Spilt the beans!
some warning of your track recordl Sam Wetl, apparently Ben and Molly have split up.
WARNIN&lsometimes jt is better to pass on a secret, if you Colin You're kiddingl Reatty?
suspect the person who told you may be in trouble. A secret can Sam But they haven't told people yet. So don't say
out to be a cry for he[p. a word to anyone!
Colin I understand.
S ffi Worl< in pairs. Decide whetheryou agree or Sam Do you promise?
disagree with the advice in exercise 2. Can you add any more Colin Yesl
advice? Sam Ol(. Woutd you like another coffee?
Colin No, thanl<s. l'd better make a move.
tr_tr#$pH{ ffiffiYH Sam OK. l'lt see you later.
It's often more naturalto use a phrase (verb + noun) Colin Sure. lt was nice tatking to you.
instead of a singte-word verb, especially in informaI
Ianguage. #, 6b LOA Listen to the diatogue and compare what you hear
talk) have a talk decide ) make a decision with your answer to exercise 5.
&, Read the Look out! box. Then rewrite the sentences using :fl ffi Worl< in pairs. Rote-ptay a dialogue using the
outline below. lnclude some coltoquia[ omissions.
phrases instead ofthe underlined verbs.
A: You meet your old friend B in a caf6 and start chatting.
1 l'd love to shop with you this afternoon, but lneed to
revise. B asks about a mutual friend, and you hint that you know a
secret. You are unwilting to share it at first, but B persuades
2 Think about what l've said and ca[[ me later.
you. You make B promise that it won't go any further.
3 l've concluded that what I really need is to rest.
B: You meet A in a caf6 and start chatting. You ask about a
4 I tooked at her painting and comptimented her.
mutual friend, and A seems to know a secret about that
5 I hinted that I'd [ike to be paid, but I didn't want to offend
friend but is unwitling to share it. You persuade A to let on.
by asking.
94 Unit 9 Secrets