Page 99 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 99
Complete the articte with appropriate passive forms of the
Use of the passive
verbs below. What is your opinion of the way Joyce Hatto and
The choice between active and passive voice is often
her husband behaved?
made for stylistic reasons, because we want a certain
word to be the subject of the sentence in order to fit
with the topic and flow of the text. Compare:
Clara Butt gave the first performonce of Elgar's Sea
Pictures. (in a text about the singer Ctara Butt)
The first performance of Elgar's Sea Pictures was given
by Clara Butt. (in a text about Etgar's music)
.,r: Read the Learn fhisl box. Then decide which of the underlinec
clauses in the text below would be better in the passive and
rewrite them. Give reasons.
loyce tlaltotlld helhusbandlealoldon in the 1970s afte"
dpetqs ha_d,_dr,agne-se!layee Wil-h eaneer. Away from the
public gaze, they worl<ed together on recordings of some ol
the finest classical pieces that anybody had ever composeq
But it soon became clear that her disease was hampering
loyce's efforts to produce outstanding recgrlrnp. lVjlliam
made the first eteqt4r3jq alterations in order to cover up
Classical pianist Joyce Hatto was born in London in 1928 and her cries of pain. Atthough Wittiam l<new that it was wrong,
remembers praciising the piano as a teenager while London a desire to protect his wife's_m!_sjealrcpltalilnftgCele!
1- in the Second World War. As a performer in London his dishonest actions. He simpty wanted people to give her
during the 1950s and 60s. she to be proficient but not the acctaim which her disease had denied her. Was that
outstanding and she more or less retired from professional so wrong? Atthough people never tool< le_yce'.s- recordings
seriously again, perhaps W_e_-5houtd admire her courage.
music in the 1970s. She had her piano moved from London
and her husband's Iove after at[.
to a small house in the country, and there she lived with her
husband, William Barrington-Coupe, a recording engineer. :rli ,o"r the text in exercise 2 change your opinion of Joyce Hatto
Over the next thirty years, she performed at home, and these and her husband? Why?/Why not?
performances 104 of them in total - by her husband
and then . on his own record label, Concert Artists. 1|ir Participle phrases
They caused a sensation. Her performances " -. by music iiti,,,l:llli n.r.rnerthatwe can sometimes use a phrase
critics as some of the finest recordings that ever ililllli beginning with a past participle (a participte phrase) in
7 place of a passive construction. Compare:
and Hatto as 'the greatest instrumentalist that almost iliirtt,,tiil
nobody has heard of'. " """
became international news.
But in 2007 a music magazine discovered that one of the
recordings B electronically from another artist's CD. Since Exposed by a music magazine, the fraud became
international news.
then, further frauds have emerged. At least five of
the pieces e- in fact by other artists, and more
fakes o - - on a daily basis. lt seems likely that in due Read the Leorn this! box. Then rewrite the following text using
course. all 104 pieces '1 - not to be genuine. Only an appropriate mixture of active and passive constructions
yesterday, classical pianist David Owen Norrisl2 that his and participle phrases.
Millions in the USA watched the cookery show Dinner:
1988 solo piano recording of Elgar's Symphony No 1 in A flat
13 lmpossible. British chef Robert lrvine presented it.
major as Hatto's work. 'l'm just very sad,' he said. 'l
The Queen had l<nighted lrvine and she had given him a
think it's pathetic really that somebody should "- to this.'
castle in Scotland - or so he claimed. Officiats investigated
lrvine when a business venture failed and they exposed him
as a fraud. lrvine has finally admitted the truth.
Now, angry creditors are pursuing lrvine and the TV channel
has removed his fictitious biography from its website.
98 Unit g Secrets