Page 100 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 100

ffi#ffi#  Worl< in pairs. Think of three different situations  in
          which somebody  might want to mal<e themselves  invisible, or
          very difficult  to see. Then  compare your  ideas with the class.
        :  ffiffiffiifl1-},$  Worl< in pairs.  Compare and contrast  the two
           photos.  Answer the questions.
           1 Why do you think each  person is attempting  to hide?
           2 How successFuI  do you think their attempts  are?
          3 ln what ways do the photos emphasise the differences
             between  the town and the country?
          4 ln what other situations  might it be useful not to be
        I  6b :.tO Listen to two students  tatking about the photos in
          exercise 2. How different  are their ideas from your  own?

        i6  db  f .f O Read the phrases for drawing  conclusions  and
          clauses a-m. Thinl<  about which clauses belong  together
           logicatly.  Then [isten  again and match the clauses with gaps

           a He's sitting behind  a bush,
           b he's ptanning to be there for some time.
           c the photo was taken in a forest or some such ptace.
           d this could be Tokyo or some other [arge city in  Japan.
           e he's bothered to bring such a [arge piece  of equipment
           f  he's some kind of photographer  or cameraman.
           g she's pulted the top part up in order to hide.         Words  Iike thing and stuff are usefuI  when it isn't
           h there are bushes, [ong grass,  and a river.            possible to be more  precise  about what you see. You can
           i  she's in a back street rather  than  on a main road.  also use phrases [ike some  kind of and some.-  or other.
           j  the picture was set up, so to speak.
           l< he's got  a camera                                   Read  the Speaking  tip.Find examples  of vague [anguage  in
           I  The people  Iool< Japanese to me,                    ctauses a-m in exercise 4. Then use the same language to
           m he wants to blend in with his surroundings.           mal<e these  sentences  more  vague.
           Use the prompts  to mal<e sentences.  lnclude phrases for  1 He's wearing a coat made  of feathers.
           drawing conclusions  from  exercise 4.                  2 The photo was taken in Brazit.
                                                                   3 He's bored.
           1 there's  a microphone -)  it's a video camera
                                                                   4 She works as a private investigator.
           2 he has a grey beard -)  he's quite  old
                                                                   5 She's in her thirties.
           3 he's chosen  this career -)  he Iil<es being alone
                                                                   6 She wants to blend into the background.
           4 the boy is turning  around -)  he's seen the woman
           5 it doesn't  [ool< much like a real vending machine -)  it's  ffi}ffi*l**Tiffi  Turn to page 152 and do the exam  task. Use
             just  a  joke
                                                                   phrases from  exercise 4 for drawing  conclusions  and include
                                                                   vague language  from  exercise 6.

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