Page 102 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 102

ffiffiffi-$,ffi  Work in pairs.  Discuss  the proposition.  Do you  Plan an opinion essay  about  the proposition  in exercise  1.
          agree or disagree? Give reasons.                         Make notes for paragraphs  2-4. Use ideas from  exercises  1
             The Internet should be more tightly                   and 3.
                  controlled  by governments.                      Paragraphl lntroduction
                                                                   Paragraph  2  Points  in support  of the opposite  opinion
          Read the start offour  newspaper  articles about lnternet  Paragraph  3  Points  in support  of your opinion
          controls. Do they change  your  opinion about the proposition  Paragraph  4  Further points  in support  of your opinion
          in exercise  1? Why?/Why  not?                           Paragraph 5  Conclusion
           Cyber Bullying led                            7          One way of writing  the introduction  to an opinion essay

                                                                    is to describe the current situation as you see it and then
                                                                    restate  the question  in your own words.
           to Teen's Suicide\,   x-,  rt  Ivl1IlL/
          The parents  ofa 13-year-old girl who believe their daughter's   Read the Writing  fip, then look at the lntroduction  to the
          suicide  was  the result ofa cruel cyber hoax are pushing for   a
                                                           ,       model essay  on page 100. Which sentences  describe  the
          measures to protect other  children online.
                                                           Z       current  situation? Which sentences  rephrase the question in
                                                                   different words?
         Terror websites could be
                                                                   Work in pairs. Write the introduction  to your  essay  using the
         blocked in Eucrackdown                                    phrases  below to help you.
         Access  to websites that provide information on how to
         make  bombs could be blocked by securiff forces in an
         attempt to crack down on terrorists.
         Online anorexia            Microsoft abruptly  cLosed 3
                                    down four  pro-anorexia
         sites shut down            websites  in Spain yesterday
         amid claims they           after a comptaint that they
                                    were endangering  the lives
         glorify starvation         of teenage girts.
                                                                   Compare  your  introduction  with another pair's introduction.
                                        .*----.--.--,  -.,.-...---F  -- --'"--j  Share ideas to improve  your work.

         Bank details being sold                                   Working  individual[y, write  paragraphs  2-5 of your  essay
                                                                   followingyour plan. Write 200-250 words  in total.
         over the Internet for just f1
                                                                   Check your work using the tist below.
         Lists of credit card numbers,  names and addresses  are
         being traded across the Internet by criminals involved
         in ID fraud, it is claimed  today.                         Have you:
                                                                      fottowed the essay ptan  correctly?
                                                                      written  the correct  number of words?
          ffiffiffiffiffi$  Work in pairs.  Decide  whether the fottowing
                                                                       inctuded  passive  phrases  for distancing your
           things should or should not be allowed  on the lnternet. Then
           compare your  ideas with the class.
                                                                       checked  the spetting and grammar?
           1 stories about famous peopte  which may be untrue
           2 unauthorised  photos and video clips of ordinary  peopte
           3 instructions  for writing computer viruses
           4 unauthorised  video footage of rock concerts
           5 negative  opinions  about the government
           6 adverts for untested  medicines

                                                                                                      Unit 9  Secrets 101
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