Page 88 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 88

Worl< in pairs.  Match the charts  (1-4) with their names and
                                                                   [& :.0+ Listen again. Tick the expression  (a or b) that the
          their descriptions (a-d) below.                          speal<ers use. (Both  are valid expressions.)
          i:ar rfumi't grat:h prm cirert t*hl*                     1 a For me, the most interesting  aspect is ...
          1           ideat for I   3           ideat  for E         b What strikes me as most interesting  is ...
           2-ideatforE             4            ideatforE          2 a ... a sharp rise in the total number of ...
                                                                     b ... a significant  increase  in the totaI number of ...
          a disptaying statistics  which total 100%                  a ... a very [arge proportion  of peopte ...
          b showing how a situation has changed  over time           b ... the vast majority of people  ...
          c visua[[y comparing two retated  sets of statistics       a The chart tells us that ...
          d presenting  a variety of statistical information  in a clear  b According  to the chart, ...
             but non-diagrammatic  form                              a ... more or less the same number of people  ...
                                                                     b ... roughly equaI  numbers of people  ...
        1i  Estimated  sales of Fairtrade  products  ReguLar vs occasional  buyers of Fairtrade  products  a ... seeing it in this form reatty brings home to you...
                                 5o                                  b ... the way it is presented  helps  to emphasise...
          16o o                                                      a There's  a strong  tendency to relect ... /embrace  ...
                                                                     b There's  a definite  trend away from ... /towards  ...
          120 0                oyo  3o
                                                                     a ... the rate has remained quite  stabte ...
           8oo                   2A
                                                                     b ... the rate has not fluctuated  very much  ...
           400                   10               I   Regular        a There has been  a stight increase/decrease  in ...
            o                     o               !   OccasionaL     b ... has increased/decreased  marginatty.
                                      2A07  2 011                 10 a The significance of this is that...
                                                                     b This is significant  because  ...
        T     ln an average  weel<,  how often
              do you eat at a fast-food  outlet?                ds  Exptain  the fottowing expressions.  Use language  from
                                                                   exercise 3 where  appropriate.
                                                                   Rates of obesity  have:
                                                                   1 rocketed              5  ptateaued
                          every  day  7"/"
                                                                   2 crept up              5  slumped
                                                                   3 plummeted             7 taited off
                        3  times  or more  87o
                                                                   4 muttiptied            8  stabilised
                            Sales  of organic food                 Complete the sentence  below  using expressions  below  in
                                                                   position a or b. Which  expression  could  go in either position?
                                                                   What other  words  could you use to mean  the same?
                                                                   Fast food consumption  has risen (a)         10
                                                                   per cent (b) _           .
                                                                   glve rr t*ke a ,*er rrnt  ]* i***r.l il*fifu{re.r  ln thr r*p;rnn  r'l
                                                                   meal"* *r {**x *r {l'!*rn#h*rii.ii  t{i.1fii#1"hltt  iiia.*
                       2A03    2oo5  2006  2oa7
                               Heatthy eating                       When you are tatking about charts and statistics,  do
                                                                    not simply  report  the information  they contain. Give a
                                                                    personal reaction too. What is surprising  or important
                                                                    about the information?

                                                                   Read the Speaking  fip. Which expressions  from  exercise 3 can
                                                                   be used to give a personal  reaction?
           Q :.0+ Listen to four people talking about different charts.  ffi   Talk about the information contained  in the charts
           For each  speaker, identify what the general topic ofthe  chart
                                                                   in exercise 1. Use expressions  from  exercises 3, 4 and  5
           they  are speaking  about is.                           where  possible.
           Speaker 1               Speaker  3
           Speaker2-               Speal<er4                       ffi      Turn to page 152 and do the exam  task.

                                                                                                       Unit 8  Tastes  87
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