Page 84 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 84

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           in pairs.  Describe
           what the people
           in the photo are
           wearing. Do some                                      Who they are They  may care about the environment but this crew
           young people                                          are less alienated  than their  early  1990s  counterparts. They don't
           dress [il<e this                                      reject the modern world -  they embrace it to change it.
                                                                 Where you find them Noses  buried in ecology books; organising
           in your  country?
                                                                 online petitions.
                                                                 What their look is Sweatshirls  from Howies;  dreadlocks  or undercuts.
                                                                 What they listen  to Jungle-folk  band  Vampire  Weekend;
                                                                 drum'n'bass  DJ Mechanical  Organic.

                                                                  B URBIIIIfi
        #  Lool<  quicl<ly through the text Our gong.  Which  of the five
           styles  does the photo in exercise  1 show?           Who they are Street kids, but not as you know ihem  -  imagine
                                                                 mini-entrepreneurs  who are ridiculously clued-up  on ar1, fashion and,
        S  For questions 1-10,  choose from the five styles  (A-E).  of course, music.
           Which  gang                                           Where you find them ln the day, spot them skiving in their local
                                                                 record shop, looking for rare 1990s tracks to remix.  Later, it's
           1 is interested  in creating music?          tr       everyone  over to a mate's  place  to hear his Iatest  demo.
           2 always  dresses immaculatety?              E        What their look is Hoodies  from Supreme  or Bathing  Ape; limited-
           3 is interested  in 'green' issues?          tr       edition trainers.
                                                                 What they listen  to Dubstep, a heavier, more  meaningful  branch of
           4 often wears very high shoes?               tr       hip-hop.
           5 tends not to mixwith  the opposite sex?    tr        c HEo lndie
           6 prefers  the cinema  to the tetevision?    I
                                                                 Who they are lnstead of ruthless introspection,  life for neo-indie kids
           7 has a keen sense  of business?             I        is about pushing  each  other home  in trolleys and then posting the
           8 enfoys  provoking negative reactions?      tr       photos online.
           9 often wears distinctive make-up?           E        Where you find them Travelling  around  town  in single-sex packs;
                                                                 queuing for tickets to see bands.
          10 is more interested  in fun than reflection?   I     What their look is Whatever  it is -  Topshop  and American  Apparel,
                                                                 mostly  -  it must be perfect.
        &  tvtatch eight of the cotloquiat  words  in red in the text with  What they listen to Their favourite band,  of course. We Smoke Fags
           definitions  1-8. Then  write similar definitions  for the other  and The Enemy are hot.
           six. Use the context  to hetp you and a dictionary, if necessary.
                                                                  r Nu Gnnvr
           1 vrznnabo(adj)  having an ambition  to be something
           2       (v) avoidingwork/school                       Who they are Goths, but flamboyant  ones. They  love to be different
           I       (adi)  very tight                             and lap up the attention they get from shocked relatives.
           4  -    (phr  v) seeing or watching  (a  show, etc.)  Where you find them Find them at nu-grave nights in grungy  venues
           5       (adj) dirty, not smart                        like Korsan  Bar in east London.
           6  -    (adj) knowtedgeabte,  well-informed           What their look is They take inspiration  from the darker  side  of high
                                                                 fashion.  Add wet-look  hair, black lips, patent-leather trench coats
           ,       (Ohr v) accept  gratefutly                    and 20 cm platforms.
           8       (n) a group of friends                        What they listen to Good-looking  young nu-grave bands  such as
                                                                 The Horrors  and lpso Facto.
        5  Compare  your six definitions  from  exercise 4 with your
           classmates.  Do you agree on the meanings?             t  FAUX PUNK

        &  Worl< in pairs or groups.                             Who they are Ad students and wannabe  actors who live for
                                                                 creativity,  love and their  friends. Do not mistake  them  for real punks
           1 Decide on a distinctive styte that is common among
                                                                 Where you find them Watching bands  at the Dot to Dot festival in
             young people  where  you live. lnvent a name for it, if it  Nottingham; reading  underground 'zines  such as the PiX; taking in
             does not have one.                                  films by Gregg Araki  or Gus Van  Sant;  actively not watching telly.
           2 Make  notes  about the style using the same subheadings  What their look is Like old punks, but much better-looking. Yellow
             as the ones in Our gang.                             DMs;  super-skinny  jeans;  McQ  vests; biker  jackets.
           3 Write a text about the style similar to the ones in Our  What they listen to Good-looking,  well-dressed bands  such as
                                                                 Gallows and Late of ihe  Pier.
             gang. Use cottoquial  language  where possible.

                                                                                                       Unit 8 ', Tastes  83
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