Page 81 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 81

IEEf?+ffiIfiEfff{n  What reasons do peopte  have for  4  Oo the Use of Engtish exam  tasl<.
           suddenly leaving  home and starting a new life abroad?

        2 Make sentences  about  the photos  using the words  in the box.
                                                                   Complete  the text. Write one word onty in each gap.
           load (v) possessions  precariously  balanced ramp
                                                                    For such a small  seabird,  the sooty  shearwater  has an ambitious
           removalvan  stack (v) strap (n)                         take  r-   the world.  2-   its diminutive size, it thinks
                                                                    nothing  of flying from New  Zealand  to Alaska   pursuit of
        3  Do the Speaking  exam  task.                             an endless  summer.
                                                                      For years,  ornithologists have l<nown that sooty shearwaters
                                                                    breed  off the coasts  of New Zealand  and Chile in the'southern
                                                                    hemisphere,  and then cross the equator  to the rich summer
           Compare and contrast the photos. Answer  the questions                             a-
                                                                   feeding grounds  of the North Pacific,   stretch from
           about each photo.                                        California  to Japan. Now a study has shown  thatthis  epic feat
                                                                          performed  over a single breeding  season, with individual
                                                                    birds travelling  as far  6-   62, 400 km in  just  one year.
                                                                      It is the longest migration route undertaken by individual
                                                                    animals  that has been recorded by scientists, according   7
                                                                    Scott Shaffel a research biologist at the Unlversity  of California,
                                                                    Santa  Cruz, who led the team behind the study.'The   B
                                                                    bird species known  that  e   rival the migrations of the sooty
                                                                    shearwater would  be the arctic tern, which breeds  in the Arctic
                                                                    and migrates  to Antarctica,'  Dr Shaffer said.  'But  we don t know
                                                                          they do that in a single season,  because nobody's  ever
                                                                   tracked them"'

                                                                   IGEf?tfltJllnlEfi-{,ll  Read the sentences  in the Listening
                                                                   exam  task. What do you think the tistening is about?
                                                                6   $b  z.zz  Do the Listening  exam  task.

                                                                    Listen  to part of a radio programme.  Choose the correct
                                                                    option(s)  to complete the sentences. At least one of the
                                                                    options  is always correct, and sometimes  both options
                                                                    may be correct.                                       I
                                                                    1 Humpback  whates
                                                                      A traveI  further  in one go than any other anima[.
                                                                      B are born in warm  waters off the coast  of Central
                                                                    2 The markings on the whates' taits enabted  the
                                                                      researchers  to
                                                                      A identify the same whale in entirely different  locations.
                                                                      B identify  which calves  betonged  to which  mothers.
                                                                    3 Baby h um pback whales
           7 Why are the people moving, do you  thinl<?               A spend the first year of their lives in warm  water.
           2 Where do you thinl( they are going?                      B sometimes travel thousands  of l<itometres from the
           3 How are their experiences  different?                      breeding ground soon afterthey are born.
                                                                    4 The researchers  employed a satellite
                                                                      A to establish  how warm  the water is where  the baby
                                                                        whates  are born.
            Completing a text with appropriate  words                 B to track the whates' journey  across the equator.
            o  Most of the missing words in this type of tasl< witt be  5 One result of the research  is that scientists  now know
              'grammar words' (artictes,  auxiliary verbs, pronouns,  A which type of whales migrates  the furthest.
              prepositions,  etc.).                                   B why humpback whales travelled  north across the
            r  Do not write more than one word in each gap.             eq u ato r.

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