Page 85 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 85

ffi      Read  the newspaper  cutting and answer the       Technology  devetoped to keep cooking oil fresh coutd
           questions.                                                 hetp the wortd's  poorest peopte by
                                                                      a increasing  their consumption  of nutrients.
           1 What are nano-partictes and what  potentiat  benefits  do
                                                                      b preventing fish from going off too quickty.
              they have in relation to food?
                                                                      c alerting them when  water supplies  become
           2 Why are some  peopte concerned  about nano-partictes
                                                                        contam  inated.
              in food?
                                                                      d enabting them to purify water more easily.
          104 products on shelves already                             At its most advanced, nano-technology  might enabte
                                                            i         consumers  to
          contain toxic nano-particles,                               a experience previousty undreamed-of combinations  of
          \ryarns Friends of the Earth                                b make any food they can think of without  the need for
                                                                        conventionaI  ingredients.
          Potentially  toxic chemicals are being incorporated  into lood.
          packaging, health supplements  and other  products by stealth,  it  c have a much higher level of protein  in their diet.
                                                                      d avoid foods they distike altogether.
          is claimed. Manufacturers  boast that nano-particles, which are
          thousands  oltimes thinner  than a human  hair. can deliver  drugs  ln the opinion of the scientist  David  Bennett, how will the
          or vitamins  more ellectively. kill harmlul bugs in lood or creare  public  react to nano-food?
          sell-cleaning  windows.  Bur scientisls. consumer  groups  and green  a They'[[ give it a cautious welcome.
          campaigners  fear the technology  is being introduced  into the diet,  b They'tt  be too concerned  about the dangers to welcome it.
          body and environment  without proper safety  checks.        c They'tt  eventuatly be won over  by atI the potential
                                                                      d They'tt want to decide whether the potentiat  benefits
        2  Lool<  quickly  through the text on page 85. Match  paragraphs
                                                                        outweigh the dangers.
           2-6 with five of the headings  below.
                                                                    7 How is the size of nano-particles  relevant  to their
           Create your own flavours Healthier  and more exciting food  potential  dangers?
           Products available now Public protests  Tiny toxins        a Most substances are toxic at nano-scales.
           Unl<nown  dangers                                          b They are too sma[[ for scientists to track their position.
           Paragraphl  lntroduction                                   c Once they're  inside the body, they behave  Iil<e viruses.
           Paragraph  2    _                                          d Their microscopic size aItows them to pass through the
           Paragraph  3    _                                            body's  usuaI  defences.
           Paragraph  4    _
           Paragraph 5  _                                           Find these words  in the text.
           Paragraph  6  _                                          Paragraph  1 two sweet  dishes and two savoury  dishes
                                                                    Paragraph  2 four ad.iectives that describe food or drink
        3  Read  the text and choose the best answers.
                                                                    Paragraph  3 two things that can spoil food and make it
           1 What  does Witty Wonka's magical chewing  gum have in             in edible
             common  with types of nano-food in development?        Paragraph  4 three of the etements  that most food contains
             a They both contain  an exciting mix of tastes.                   (such  as carbohydrate...)
             b Both are appealing to young chitdren.                Paragraph  5 fourwords which mean danger
             c They both attow the consumer  to choose  the flavours.  Paragraph  6 four organs ofthe human body
             d They're  both made  in a factory.
                                                                    Worl< in pairs. Write as many words  as you can under these
           2 Which elements of 'programmable  food, woutd
                                                                    headings  in three minutes.  Which  pair has the most words?
             consumers be abte to determine  by zapping  it?
             a colour, consistency and nutritionalvatue             1 sweet dishes 3 adiectives that describe food or drink
                                                                    2 savoury  dishes 4 elements that food contains
             b temperature,  colour and taste
             c taste, nutritionaI  value and colour                ffi      Worl< in pairs.  Discuss  the questions.
             d texture, taste and colour
                                                                    1 Woutd you be witting to eat food which  contained  nano-
           3 Untike  ordinary packaging, 'smart' packaging
                                                                      particles?  Why?/Why  not?
             a keeps food fresh permanently.
                                                                    2 Do you thinl< research into nano-food shoutd be banned?
             b prevents  any oxygen from reaching  the food.
                                                                      Why?/Why  not?
             c has yet to arrive  on supermarket shelves.
             d can monitor the condition  of the food it contains.  D  VOCneULARY BUILDER 8.2: TALKING  ABOUT FOOD:
                                                                   WORKBOOK  PAGE 111 G
     84  Unit 8  ,"  Tastes
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