Page 86 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 86

Nano-food                           Most  people have  heard  about the'smart'  'nanobiotechnology',  believes  the pubtic witt
                                             food  packaging  that wjtt warn when
                                                                                  aLmost  certainLy  reject  nano-food  because
                                             oxygen has got inside,  or if food is going  of the perceived periLs.  'Very  LittLe  risk
         r  Witty  Wonka is the father of nano-food.  off -  research on that is comptete and the  assessment  has been  done  on this area,
         The great  chocolate-factory  owner,  you'L[  products are arriving. Samsung has fridges  even  on some  products  already  entering
         remember, invented a chewing gum that  on the market  in Asia and America  that use  the market'.  What's  to be afraid  of, from  a
         was a fut[ three-course dinner.  ']t  wil.t be  nano-silver to kiL[ bacteria.  Atso avaiLable  technotogy  that offers so much - heaLthier
         the end of aLt kitchens and cookingi he totd  in American  supermarkets  is cooking  oiL  food,  fewer, better-targeted  chemicaLs, Iess
         the children  on his tour - and produced  a  that, in theory,  can  be kept fresh for ever -  waste,'smart' (and thus tess)  packaging,
         prototype  sampte of Wonka's Magic Chewing  thanks to nano-engineered molecuLes  whjch  and even  the promise of a technoLogicaI
         Gum. 0ne strip of this woul.d de[iver tomato  lock onto contaminants.  These coutd atso  soLution  to the probLem  of the one bi[Lion
         soup, roast beef with roast potatoes  and  simptify  the process of cLeaning drinking  peop[e  who don't get enough to eat?  'Matter
         blueberry  pie and ice cream - in the right  water - potentially  hugety  important for  has different  behaviour at nano-scaLes,'
         order.                              the devel"oping  world.  ]n AustraLia,  you  can  says Dr Kees Eijket  from the Dutch  Twente
         2 Far-fetched?  The processed-food  giant  buy bread that contains  undetectab[e  nano-  University.'That means djfferent hazards
         Kraft and a group of research  laboratorjes  capsutes of omega-3, a vatuabte nutrjent  are associated  with it. We don't know  what
         are busy  working towards  'programmabLe  found naturaLty in oity fish l"ike saimon.  these are.' For exampLe,  some metals wiLL kiL[
         food'. 0ne product they are working  on is  4 Food manufacturers  including UniLever  bacteria at nano-scate  -  hence the interest
         a co[ourtess,  tasteLess drink that you.  the  and Nest[6  plan to use nano-encapsutation  in using them in food packaging - but what
         consumer,  witt design  after  you've bought  it.  to improve shel.f  tife and engineer  wit[ happen  if they get off the packaging
         You'l"t decide  what  colour  and flavour you'd  taste sensations  in fat-based foods like  and into us?  CouLd  they be a threat to our
         Like the drink to be, and what nutrients  it  choco[ates. ice creams and spreads.  There  heatth? No one seems  to know.
         witl have in it, once you get  home.  You'l-L  coutd be huge  reductions in fat and sal.t  6 The sjze question is centraI to these
         zap the product with a correctty-tuned  in processed foods.  Unjtever believes it  concerns.  Nano-particles that are under 100
         microwave  transmjtter -  presumab[y  Kraft  can reduce the fat content  of ice cream  nano-metres  wide - less than the size of
         wil.[ seLL  you that. too. Thjs  wjtI.  activate  from fifteen  per cent to one per cent.  In  a virus -  have unique abitities. They can
         nano-capsules  - each  one about  2.000  the future, atomic-[eve[  encapsuLation  cross the body's naturaI barrjers. entering
         times  smatler  than the width of a hair -  techniques  wiLt get  more sophisticated.  A  into cetts or through  the Liver into the
         containing  the.necessary  chemjca[s  for your  chef might decide that some flavours in his  btoodstream or even  through  the ce[L  wa[[
         choice of drink: green-hued,  btackcurrant-  dish woutd onty be released to the eater a  surrounding the brain.'I'd  tike to drjnk a
         flavoured with a touch of caffeine  and  certain  number  of seconds or minutes after  glass of water and know that the contents
         omega-3, say. They wi[[ dissolve whiLe alt  chewing, or when  they sip a gLass of wine.  are going into my stomach and not into my
         the other possibte  ingredients  witl pass  Further ahead. the industry  is Looking at  Lungsi says Dr Qasim Chaudhry  of the British
         unused through  your  body,  in their nano-  food that is pre-engineered to cater for your  government's CentraL Scjence  Laboratory.  'We
         ca psu  [es.                         tastes, your dislikes and your  atlergies - or  are giving very toxic chemicals  the abitity to
         3 The end of cooking? Probably  not. But  just  built from  scratch.  Uttimatety, it might  cross celt membranes,  to go where they've
         nano-food and nano-food  packaging are  be possib[e  to create any meaI you want  never  gone  before. Where witL they end up?
         on thejr  way because the food industry  at the push  of a button,  using nothing but  It has been  shown  that free nano-particles
         has spotted  the chance  for huge  profits:  plant proteins.             inhaLed can go straight to the brain.  There
         according to analysts, the busjness  wi[L  soon  5 But  Dr David  Bennett,  a veteran  are lots of concerns.  We have to ask - do
         be worth $20 bitlion  annua[Ly.  You'[L first  biochemist  now working  on a European  the benefits outweigh  the risks?'
         meet nanotechnology in food packaging.  Commjssion  project  on the ethics  of

                                                                                                       ljnlt 8  Tastes  85
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