Page 82 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 82

          Vocabulary  r  clothes  and styles  i  two-part  adjectives  r  colloquiaI language r food related  words and
          phrases r phrases  for describing  statistics,  graphs,  charts and trends r phrases for giving  estimates  Tastes
          r periphrasis and euphemism  .  connotation
          Grammar  t  would r  modalverbs
          Speaking  .  talking about attitudes to food r  tatking about  youth  culture  r stimutus based-discussion
          Writing r  a report

          ffi      Discuss  this quotation  by English eccentric   Read the Speaking  fip. Worl< in pairs.  Match  as many of the
          Quentin  Crisp. What does it mean?  Do you agree?  Are there  words  below  as possible  with the photographs in exercise  2.
          other reasons for wanting to be fashionable?
               Fashion is what you adopt when                      chic dishevelled elegant neat scruffy  shabby
                                                                   smart stylish trendy unkempt  we[[-dressed
                 you don't know who you are.
        2 ffi      Look at the photos. Do you think these peopte   garments:  bandana corset cravat waistcoat
                                                                   parts of garments:  buckle button collar cuff laces
           look fashionable or unfashionable?  Which clothes  do you like
                                                                   designs,  materiats, etc.: check denim fishnet ripped
           most and least?
                                                                   stripy studded tartan
                                                        tr         hair: bob dreadlocl<s  extensions goatee ptaits
                                                                   accessories:bangle  chain piercing

                                                                4  ffi      Describe one photo from  exercise 2. Fottow the
                                                                   structure suggested  inthe Speoking  tip.

                                                                   db :.Of Listen to four teenagers  tall(ing about  clothes.  Are
                                                                   the sentences true  (T) or false  (F), or is the answer not stated
                                                                   1 Speal<er  1 tatks about a boy from school and recatts that
                                                                     casuaI ctothes  were  his thing.
                                                                   2 Speaker  2 was made to wear  an outfit that, if it had been
                                                                     up to her, she wouldn't have been seen dead in.
                                                                   3 Speal<er  3 thinks  that the style of ctothing worn by
                                                                     Chandter  in Friends  quite  suits his brother.
                                                                   4 Speal<er  4 comptains about  having  to wear  ctothes  with
                                                                      [ogos on the front.

                                                                6   6b :.Of Complete these two-part adiectives  with the words
                                                                   below. Try to remember which nouns they describe.  Then
                                                                   listen again and checl<.
                                                                   fitting length neck piece steeved tight toed up
                                                                   1 three-              5 loose-
                                                                   2  futl               6 long--
                                                                   3 open                /  sKrn-
                                                                   4                     8 zip-
                                                                   D  vOCneULARY  BUILDER 8.1:  CLOTHES  IDIOMS:
                                                                   WORKBOOK  PAGE 111  (33
            When  describing a photo,  it is often hetpfutto  structure
            your description  in this way:                       7 ffi      Worl< in pairs.  Tett your partner  whether you agree
            genera[ --)  specific -)  speculative                  or disagree with these statements, and why.
            For example,  if describing a person's appearance,  start  1 Women  are more interested  in fashion than men.
            by saying whether they look smart, casuat, etc. Then   2 Some clothes onty suit young peopte.
            describe  their appearance  in detait.  Then speculate about  3 You need  a lot of money to atways  look fashionable.
            who they might be, where they might be going, etc.     4 Some ctothes do not lool< good on anybody and shoutd
                                                                      never be worn.
                                                                                                       UnitS  Tastes :81
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