Page 78 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 78

g  ffi     Lookatthe  photosandthe  graph.Whataspectsof    D  VOCIBULARY  BUILDER  7.8:  EXPRESSING CAUSE,
           foreign travel  do they show?                            PURPOSE  AND RESULT:  WORKBOOK PAGE 110 Gl

                                                                 &  tvtatctr 1-10 to a-j to mal<e complete  sentences.  Look at the
                                                                    collocations in botd.

                                                                    1 lncreased  carbon  emissions have ctearty had a
                                                                    2  Climate  change, then, is a major
                                                                    3  Tourism  can have a negative
                                                                    4  Big hotels spring up along the coast, usua[[y to the
                                                                    5  The increased demand for water, for example, can pose
                                                                    6  I don't  thinl<  the benefits to [ocal  peopte  outweigh
                                                                    7  LocaI people benefit
                                                                    8  When the purpose of travel is to learn about other
                                                                      cultures, it's ctearly of mutual
                                                                    9  I don't think we can avoid doing
          Mittions Number of passengers  flying from UK airports   10  We should  endeavour  to minimise the damage
                                                                    a  from the money that tourists  spend while they are on
            150                                                     b  effect  on the earth's atmosphere.
            100                                                     c  a threat  to rivers and [akes.
                                                                    d  benefit  to the tourist and the locaI people.
                                                                    e  the damage that tourism  does.
             o                                                      f  detriment of the tocal environment
              1953 1962 tgtt  19Bo t989  t99B  2oo5 2aa7  2aog 2aag 2o7o 2017
                                                                    g  we cause to the environment.
                                                                    h  concern, but by no means the only one.
            $fr  Z.Zf Listen to two people  answering  the question
                                                                    i  harm altogether.
           below. Which of their opinions and supporting  arguments  do
           you find most persuasive?                                i  impact on the physicaI  environment.
                                                                    Complete the phrases for generalising  with the words below.
            Should people be encouraged to travel
              abroad on holiday, or discouraged?                    hrced{y Lry in  ln  $n :*
            $  f .:t  Complete the first gap in these  sentences from the  1  _   the whole  4        and large
           listening exercise using the words  below.  lf there is a second
                                                                    2                        5 _      most  cases
           gap,  use a preposition. Then listen again and check.
                                                                    3        general         6  -     speaking
           {L}fiseqL}*fifl#s due {e,:r,s *rE;1r }jurp*s* l*auited
           tl:e rmnx*n th{s r'*.rinos:                           &  Read the task below.  Mal<e  notes about your  opinion and
           1 A vast increase  in the number of flights over recent years  arguments  that support it. lnclude  at least one opposing
             has             increased carbon  emissions.           argument.  Think about the environment, economic  benefits/
           2 An increase  in the number of visitors  inevitably     drawbacks,  quatity of [ife for your  compatriots, and the image
                 -   expansion and devetopment.                     ofyour country  abroad.
           3 The local environment was          the resort's        ,*".-.*
             popularity  in the first place.                        I  To what extent does tourism benefit your country?   i
           4 More hotets and more restaurants inevitably _   more   j Shoutd more tourism  be encouraged?  Give reasons for   i
             strain on the local infrastructure.                    Ll:_',::t1l::1i_ __                       ___ i
           5 The              more ftights witt be increased ctimate
             change.                                                ffire    Prepare  a presentation of no more than three
           6 For       ,  I think it's particularty  important  for peopte  minutes using some of the phrases  and collocations  from
             to trave[.                                             exercises 3, 4 and 5. Then give your presentation to the class.
           7 Ctimate  change  is partty       carbon emissions
             from ptanes.
           8 The             travel is to learn about other cultures.

                                                                                                      Unit 7  Journeys 7l
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