Page 73 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 73
#" Look at the chart. Do any of the statistics surprise you? Why? Read the information inthe Leorn this! box,then complete
the sentences from the [isteningwith the -ing form of the
verbs below.
ilttsl'rllii b;t+:ntJ:*tir kir: li.ig l!'!i s,{}* tr'*lit
l France 79.5 6 Turkey 29.3 1 For me it'd be a place welI worth __ a visit because
2 USA 62.3 Z UK 29.2 I'm reatty interested in doing outdoor activities.
3 China 57.6 8 Germany 28.4 2 lt's always fascinating how other peopte live.
4 Spain 56.7 9 Malaysia 24.2 3 I'd find it really exhilarating through the
5 ltaty 46.1 10 Mexico 23.4 mountains at high attitude.
4 lt's hard work alt your equipment with you.
5 Obviousty it'd be crazy to get to every country
Match the photos with four of the countries in the chart. inside a month.
What do you l(now about the places in the photos? Would you 6 I actuatty thinl< it would be fun on my own, a real
like to visit them? Give reasons. adventure.
7 lt's a bitofa pain-on thetrain, butl'[[survive l'm
&m? {rfAS,{,}1,tAln fi}-i}".$f l.: ?.:i: -Jiltri ft);qi*$ ,,n;-..
r. ."' I | ,.'il rf_
ln informal speech you can soften ideas or make them
less precise by using the fottowing words and phrases.
a bit (of a) in a way in one way or another
just kind of sort of or something along those lines
or that kind of thing or some(thing) like that
or whatever
I just kind of want to visit somewhere really remote.
(:ln a way, l'd sort of prefer to go on a package hotiday
ffi 6& Z.f a Listen to three people tatking about where they or that kind of thing.) I
would lil<e to visit and why. Match three or four of the reasons
betow (1-10) to each speaker.
6d Z.f A Read the Speaking frp. Which of the phrases did
Speal<er 1 Speal<er 2 _Speal<er 3 _ the speakers use in the listening? Listen again and check
l architecture 6 landscape your answers to exercises 4 and 5.
2 atmosphere 7 to improve [anguage sl<ills
Read these sentences aloud, adding some phrases from the
3 cutturaI activities 8 to meet people
speal<ing tip.
4 food 9 outdoor activities
1 Paris, Rome and Madrid are good places to visit.
5 history 10 personaI chaltenge
2 l'd like to travel round the world.
-ing form with preparatory if 3 Tom wants to backpack or hitchhil<e round Europe.
4 We're planning to visit the Seychettes or the Matdives.
/f can be used as a preparatory subject or object for an
-ing form, especially in informal style. 5 Thaitand has to be top of my tist of hotiday destinations.
It wos amazing walking olong the Great Wall.
Worl< in groups of three. Decide on three places (e.g. a
It's fun travelling with friends. country, a city, a tourist site) that you would [il<e to visit.
It's no good just staying in hotels.
Mal<e notes on why you would like to visit those places, using
I'd find it strange being on my own in o foreign country.
the ideas in exercise 3 to help you.
It'd be tiring travelling non-stop to the south of ttaly.
ffiffi Present your ideas to the class. Try to use some
ln this structure with worth,the object of the -ing form
ofthe structures in the Learn this! box and the phrases in the
can become the subject ofthe sentence.
Speoking tip.
It's well worth visiting Paris.
Paris is well worth visiting. $ N Take a class vote on the most popular destination.
72 UnitT 'Journeys