Page 70 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 70
Scientists have developed a
1 In pairs, thinl< about what has happened to Edgars so far. mind-reading technique which
What problems is he currently facing? How should he tackle could one day allow them to
them, in your opinion? take pictur"es of memonies
and dneams. By compar"ing
brain activity scans, they
2 ('fi z.r O Listen and choose the correct answers.
wene able to cornectly pr-edict
1 Edgars won't formatty complain about being offered the which of 120 pictures
job and then rejected because
someone was focusing on in
A it was probabty a misunderstanding anyway. 9O per cent of cases. The
B he doesn't have any proof. technique could one day form
C he doesn't have the money to pursue a comptaint. the basis of a machine to
project the imagination on to
D he doesn't have the same rights as British emptoyees.
a scneen.
2 What is Edgars's reaction to Tomas's comments about Professon Jack Gallant
dreams? led the Califor"nian nesearch
A He thinks Tomas may be right. team. Writing in thd jour-nal Nature, he said: 'lt may
B He finds it hard to understand what Tomas is saying. soon be possible to reconstruct a picture of a person's
visual experience from measurements of brain
C He pretends to agree at first, but then disagrees.
activity alone. lmagine a general br-ain-reading device
D He's scepticaI about Tomas's comments.
that could reconstruct a picture of a person's visual
3 Tomas invites Edgars to experience at any moment in time.'
A go out with him and his sister. Two scientists volunteered to look al 1 ,75O images
B have dinner with him at his sister's house. while data was recorded from their bnains and linked
C ioin him and his sister for dinner. mathematically to the 'points'that make up a 3D
thought image. This link between brain activity and
D have dinner with him, his brother and his sister.
image was then used to identify which images were
4 Edgars is speechless when Rita arrives because seen by each volunteen from a new set of 1 20, just by
A he recognises her from his dream. looking at their bnain scans.
B she futfits a[[ his romantic dreams. The nesearch evokes sci-fi film Minority Report, where
police in the future nead people's minds and anrest
C he realises that they've already met.
them fon 'thought crimes'. But such a srtuation is a
D he's pretending to be amazed.
long way off, as the technique currently only wonks on
viewed images, not imagined ones, and it takes houns
Speaking fon the scanners to take the brain images.
Professor Gallant said: 'lt is possible that decoding
3 think about your own dreams for the future. Make notes bnain activity could have serious ethical and privacy
about (a) three personalambitions and (b) three hopes for implications in 30 to 50 year"s. We believe str-ongly that
the world in general. no one should be subjected to any form of
brain-reading involuntarily, covently, or without complete
4 ln groups of three or four give a short presentation to the informed consent.'
group about,your dreams using your notes from exercise 3.
7 Read the question in the box and make notes for an essay.
5 Read the text quichty. Exptain the connection between the
Use the paragraph ptan betow.
text and the photo.
6 Answer these questions about the text. What woutd be the possible uses and misuses of a
machine that coutd read peopte's thoughts and dreams?
1 Using current technology, what can scientists tell about a
Do you think it would be a good or bad thing, on
person's thoughts by tooking at brain scans?
What might a more advanced version of this technology
atlow them to do in the future? Paragraph 1 lntroduction Paragraph 3 Possibte misuses
What ethical issues would arise if this technology were Paragraph 2 Possible uses Paragraph 4 Conclusion
successfully developed?
What safeguards does Professor Galtant suggest to 8 Write an essay of 200-250 words, followingyour plan from
prevent misuse of the technotogy? exercise 7.
Sl<itts Round-up 1-5 69