Page 79 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 79
ffiffi Describe the photos. What do you thinkthe
customer is saying? What do you thinl< the call centre 33 Charles Road
assistant is saying? Use the ideas below to help you. Morecambe
Lancashire LA34 5GH
24th August 2009
Customer Services Dept.
Sunny Day Holidays
P0 Box 342
Birmingham 889 6GH
Dear Sir or Madam,
Booking reference: SD3467PH-7
I have just lgot back / returned from a holiday organised
ffiffiffi Answer the questions. by your travel company and 'ZI'm writing / I am writing to
1 Have you ever wanted to complain about something you complain in the strongest terms about 3a number of / quite
bought? Why? a few things.
2 Did you actually comptain? lf not, why not? lf so, what aFirst of att / To start with, on your website 5you say the
happened? hotel is / the hotel is described as being'a short walk
from the beach'. 6but actualty / whereas in fact it took us
Read the letter of complaint. Choose the most formal nearly fifteen minutes to get there, walking briskly. '/What
expressions to complete it. is more, / 0n top of that, the beach itself was dirty and
there were a number of submerged rocks near the shore
Answer the questions about the tetter. swhich made swimming hazardous / which meant it was
1 Where does the writer put (a) her own address? dangerous to swim.
(b) the recipient's address? (c) the date? My second complaint concerns Sunny Day's representative
2 lf the writer knew the name of the recipient, how would in the resort. eOn our arrival, we were informed by your
representative When we got there your rep told us
she (a) greetthe person? (b) sign off?
that the excursions 'owe'd / which we had pre-booked had
Find linkers in the [etter with the fottowing functions. been cancelled and that we would have to 11make our own
How many more [inl<ers can you add to the lists? / sort it out ourselves if we wanted to see
the locai sights. 1'zTo make matters worse, Even worse,
1 making a contrast (find two) 13made
she no apotogy for this / didn't say sorry and was
2 ordering points (find two) generalLy brusque and unhelpful.
3 making additional points (find two) ladraw
Finally, I should iike to your attention to / point
4 generalising (find one)
out the quatity of the food at the hotel. 0n the whole,
breakfast and lunch were 15fine / great. However, dinner
Match words 1-6 with their more formaI equivalents below. 16we
was of a very poor standard and were not offered /
they didn't offer us a choice of main dishes.
Att this has spoilt what should have been a wonderful
holiday, 17and I woutd therefore like a partial refund
1 match 3 repty 5 many / so
I want some money back. I suggest fifty per cent of the
2 asl< for 4 buy 6 deat with
cost of the holiday.
Complete the sentences using the formal words from exercise I look forward to hearing from you.
6 in their correct form. Yours faithfully,
1 Despite catls to your office, up to now no one
$eLew Noobu,d,.b
my comptaints.
Helen \tVoodward
2 I am writing to com ptain about a CD ptayer that I
from your shop. *-.-,J
3 As the hotiday did not the description in the
brochure, I shall legaI advice from my solicitor.
4 Shoutd you faiI to to my letter, I sha[[ have no
option but to initiate court proceedings.
78 Unit 7 Journeys