Page 143 - Full Solutions 2nd Advanced Student Book_Neat
P. 143

S Worl< in pairs. Answer the quiz questions.
              When  did the Aboriginat  people first arrive in Australia?
              a about  50,000 years ago b about 25,000 years  ago
              c about  5,000 years  ago
              ln which century did Britain first cotonise  Australia?
              a 77th century b 18th century c 19th  century
              What did the British estabtish in Botany  Bay?
              a a cricket club b a holiday resort c a penal cotony
            4 The British colonists  took Aboriginal  land principatly  to
              a grow crops. b raise livestocl<. c buitd new towns.
            5 What made Australia  much richer  in the mid-19th
              ce ntu ry?
              a livestock farming b the arrivaI  of immigrants
              c the discovery  of gold
            6 Austratia gained independence  from Britain  in    S  6d  fnCO  ffi     Work in pairs.  Listen to part of a song
              a 1.851. b 1901 c 1,951.                              called  Botany  Bay, written  in the 19th century.  Discuss  the
         H  S  fnCO Listen and checkyour answers to the quiz.
                                                                    1 Who  is 'we' in the song?
         H  ft  fnCO Listen again. Answer the questions.            2 What do they find depressing?
                                                                    3 Who  etse is on the ship besides  them?
            1 What information  is given about the early indigenous
                                                                    4 What warning is contained  in the third verse?
            2 What unfortunate  effect did the arrivaI  of the European
              colonists  immediately  have on the Aboriginat  peopte?  IIOUINY
            3 What  caused  conftict  between  the colonists  and the                    ITAY
              indigenous  peopte?                                     It's not leaving old England  we care.about,   r
            4 What effect did the Gold  Rush have on the population?
                                                                      It's the bloomin' monotony  wears  us out
         &  Complete the text with the adjectives below.
                                                                      And the prospect  of Boiqqy Bat
            r-*ieftl*fi iir*t  {re* ide;al *l.*i;;l'{:!\,rJd*d p*naI     th,  too-ro'ir-&:e,  oo,vob-lie,'oo,,,,,roolay,
            $i?*r reiurtanl  us*ful                                      Too-roo-lie,  oo-roo-Iie ay;  :
                                                                         Too-roo-lie, oo-roo-lie,  oo.roo-lay,
                                                                         To  o- roo -Iie,  oo-roo-lie-ay.
                                                                     Oh, the Captain  and all the ship,s officers
                                                                                                        -  - -- -
                                                                     The Bo's'n  and all of the creq
                                                                     The first- and second-class  passengers,l
                                                                     Knows what us poor convicis go  ttr"*ou-gfr,
                 y the late eighteenth  century,  Britain's prisons  had  Chorus
                 become  very  1-,   and transportation  to the
                 American colonies had become a    punishment        NoW all you young  dukes and you  duchesses,
                                                                     Take warning  from what I've to say.
                 for many crimes. In the 1770s Britain  lost her American
                                                                     Be sure that you own aII you touchesses
            colonies  and was forced  to look elsewhere. Australia, which
                                                                     Or they:Il  land you in Bdtany Bayr,,ir.,,::::,...,ti  .
            had recently  been claimed for Britain by Captain  James  Cook,
                  3-                   4_                               Chorus
           was the       location for a new   coiony. Conditions
            on the transport ships were'   and many prisoners
            died before reaching their destination. For the few decades
            after  the arrival of the   settlers, convicts  made up the
            majori Ly of Austra  I ia's popu la tion. Approx  i m ate ly I o1,700  convicts  taking their jobs. It was the discovery of gold that
           convicts,  of whom  25,000  were womery *"." .ur-rt to Australia  finally led to the abolition  of transportation.  Free settlers were
           between  1788 and 1868. As time went by, however,  they were  understandably   to share  the new-found  wealth with
           increasingly seen as a7-source  of labour rather than  convicted criminals,  and argued  that transportation  was no
           simply  as prisoners  undergoing punishment.  Opposition  to  longer a punishment  but a   ticket to riches. The last
           transportation  grew among  the free settlers, who resented the  convict ship arrived  in Australia  in 1868.

     142  6  Culture  ,  Going Down  under
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