Page 23 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
P. 23
0 Work in pairs. Look at the places A-H on the map Vocabulary
below. Pick a place and tell your partner how to Word formation
get there from the main building. Use the words
0 Complete each of the sentences below with a word
and expressions in the box to help you.
in the box.
next to traffic lights west/east (of)
fte8:l#t healthy unhealthy healthier
turn (east/west/right/left) behind turning
healthiest healthily
right/left (of) go straight on opposite
roundabout go past/beyond beyond corner
1 The key to good .he:~tf:th-. is eating a balanced diet.
2 Cooking at home can help people eat more
You go out of the front of the main
building, turn left and it's directly
3 Hospitals can become ................. if they are not very
opposite you.
4 People need exercise as well as a .... diet.
0 ~ Now listen and choose the correct answer for
5 Being generally active is much .................. than
Questions 6-10.
doing lots of exercise just occasionally.
6 Employees should be the .................. people in the
Questions 6-10 hospital.
Label the map below.
0 page 1 00 Word formation
Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions
6-10. @ Which of the words in the box in Exercise 1 ...
1 is a noun? !!A
E .. 2 is an adverb?
3 are adjectives?
~ Work in pairs. Which of the suffixes or prefixes
underlined in the words below ...
1 forms a noun? -1-1e.s.s
G 2 forms an adverb?
3 form an adjective?
4 give a word an opposite or negative meaning?
fitness stressful reasonable i.Qact1ve [ regular
risk)' general!)' careless unusual
0 @ IELTS candidates often use the wrong form of
words or misspell words because of changes in
form. Correct the mistake in each sentence.
6 recreation centre
1 In general, people should eat more healthy and do
7 health centre some exercise. !!Aif(J
8 swimming pool and sauna 2 Pesticides may be harmy to our health.
9 health-food store 3 Some farmers feel that using natural fertiliser is
too unconvenient.
10 Jenny's Restaurant
4 The media often give usefull advice about food.
5 There has been a slightly drop in the popularity
of fast food in my country.
Exam advice Labelling a map or plan
6 I don't think that wealth people should get the
• Look at the location of each option on the map. best food.
7 Most people can easy do some exercise.
• The ans~rs will come in the same order as the
questions. 8 The number of people who live to 100 has
increased dramaticaly.
• Listen for each place name and follow the
speaker's directions.
It's good for you! @