Page 28 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
P. 28
Vocabulary and grammar review Uni~ 1
Vocabulary Grammar
0 Complete these sentences with the correct form of €) Complete these sentences with the correct form of
problem, trouble, affect or effect. the adjective or adverb in brackets.
1 I hope my visit won't cause you too much 1 People who are ready to change their views
tro'JA.ble. . often find it e..~s'er (easy) to adapt to a new
2 Studying at a foreign university will greatly culture.
the way you see the world. 2 You will learn the language much
3 If you are not careful about money, you can get (quickly) if you share accommodation with
into a lot of financially. people from the country - in other words, it will
4 Investigators are carrying out research into the save you a lot of time.
of culture shock on overseas students. 3 Many students are attracted to this university
5 Some students have had many adapting because it has the reputation of being the one
to our very different lifestyle. with the (good) teachers.
6 New technologies have had an enormous 4 I think this is the (complicated)
on the way we interact. language I have ever tried to study; I really don't
know if I'm making progress.
6 Study the graph below and complete these
5 You'll find the film much (funny) if you
sentences with percent or percentage. Then decide
watch it in the original version.
if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) according
6 Many overseas students find understanding
to the graph. Correct the false ones.
other students a (big) problem than
1 Sixty-five .pe..rce.-xt of overseas workers in understanding their teachers.
Germany learn to speak German. 7 The (successful) students are not always
F~lse : 157. the ones with the best brains.
2 The of workers from abroad who learn 8 Many people prefer travelling by train because
to speak English is lowest in the United States. they think it is (safe) than travelling by
3 Workers from other countries who learn to plane.
speak English in the UK and the USA are 18 and
15 respectively.
4 Belgium has the third highest of
overseas workers learning to speak the
language, with the figure standing at
70 .
Workers from abroad who learn local languages by country (%)
0% (figures from HSBC Bank International
Expat Explorer Survey 08, Report
L Kingdom Three: Expat Expenence)
@ Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 1