Page 30 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
P. 30

Getting the message across

            Starting off
           0  Work in pairs. Look at these photos. Who is ...

              1  attending a lecture?
              2  making a presentation?
              3  writing a term paper?
              4  taking part in a tutorial?
            f) Now discuss these questions.
              1  What links these situations?
              2  Have you had experience of any of these situations?
              3  Which situation do you think is the most/least enjoyable? Why?

            Listening  Section 3

               Exam information

                •  You  hear a conversation between two or more speakers on a
                  study-based topic.
                •  Some questions may be on the speaker's opinions.

           0  Work in pairs. You are going to hear a student talking to her course tutor
              about an assignment. Before you listen, match the words (1-9)  with their
              definitions (a-i).

              1  assignment              a  particular parts or qualities of someone
              2  self-assessment           that are not good
              3  weaknesses              b  a judgement which you make about the quality
                                           of something you have done
              4  peer evaluation
                                         c  a particular part of a book, poem, etc. that is
              5  extract
                                           chosen so that it can be used in a discussion,
              6  authentic
                                           article, etc.
               7  feature
                                         d  a piece of work or job that you are given to do
              8  structure
                                         e  a typical quality or important part of something
              9  finding
                                           a piece of information that has been
                                           discovered as a result of an official study
                                         g  carefully considering or studying something
                                           done by a colleague/classmate/friend and
                                           judging how good or bad it is
                                         h  the way that parts of something are arranged
                                           or put together
                                           real or true

          @ Unit3
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