Page 32 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
P. 32

Reading  Section 3

              Exam information

                  Reading Passage 3 usually contains arguments
                  and opinions as well as information.
               •  There are 14 questions.

           0  Work in small groups. You are going to read an
              article about different theories on how babies
              learn to talk. Before you read, look at the speech
              bubbles below.
              1  How would you express each of these
              2  Why do you think babies talk like this?
              3  How do you think babies learn language?             However, this 'copycat' theory can't explain why toddlers
                                                                     aren't as conversational as adults. After all, you never
              Ol Daddygoout  ~ Q                                     hear literate adults express themselves in one-word
                                                                     sentences like 'bottle' or 'doggie'. In fact, it's easy for
                                                                     scientists to show that a copycat theory of language
                                                                     acquisition can't explain children's first words. What is
                                                                     hard for them to do is to explain these first words, and
                                                                     how they fit into the language acquisition pattern.

           E) Work in pairs. Read the title and subheading of        Over the past half-century, scientists have settled on
              the passage quickly. What do you expect to read        two reasonable possibilities. The first of these is called
              about in the article?                                  the 'mental-developmental hypothesis'. It states that
                                                                     one-year-olds speak in baby talk because their immature
           €) Now read the whole passage. When do children           brains can't handle adult speech. Children don't learn
             start talking in longer sentences?                      to walk until their bodies are ready.  Likewise, they don't
                                                                     speak multi-word sentences or use word endings and
                                                                     function words ('Mummy opened the boxes') before their
             Why don't babies talk like adults?                      brains are ready.
             Kids go from 'goo-goo' to talkative one step at a time   The second is called the 'stages-of-language hypothesis',
                                                                     which states that the stages of progress in child speech
             by Joshua Hartshorne                                    are necessary stages in  language development.
                                                                     A basketball player can't perfect his or her jump shot
             A recent e-trade advertisement shows a baby speaking    before learning to (1) jump and (2) shoot. Similarly,
             directly to the camera: 'Look at this,' he says, 'I'm a   children learn to multiply after they have learned to add.
             free man. I go anywhere I want now.'  He describes his   This is the order in which children are taught - not the
             stock-buying activities, and then his phone rings. This   reverse. There's evidence, for instance, that children
             advertisement proves what comedians have known for      don't usually begin speaking in two-word sentences
             years: few things are as funny as a baby who talks like an   until they've learned a certain number of single words.
             adult. But it also raises an  important question: Why don't   In other words, until they've crossed that linguistic
             young children express themselves clearly like adults?   threshold, the word-combination process doesn't get
             Many people assume children learn to talk by copying    going.
             what they hear. In other words, they listen to the words   The difference between these theories is this: under
             adults use and the situations in which they use them and   the mental-development hypothesis, language learning
             imitate accordingly. Behaviourism, the scientific approach   should depend on the child's age and level of mental
             that dominated American cognitive science for the first   development when he or she starts learning a language.
             half of the 20th century, made exactly this argument.   Under the stages-of-language hypothesis, however,

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