Page 27 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
P. 27

0 Use your answers to Exercise 5 to write the plan    Key grammar
        for the sample essay on page 24.                   Countable and  uncountable nouns
     0  Key grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns      0  Look at this extract from the sample answer on
                                                             page 24. Which underlined noun is countable and
     f) Work in pairs. Say whether these statements
                                                             which one is uncountable?
        about the Writing task are true (T)  or false (F).
                                                                ... there are many different attitudes towards
        1  You shouldn't copy from the question paper.
                                                                food ...
        2  The answer can be in bullet points.
        3  It is important to plan the answer.            0  page 102  Countable and uncountable nouns
        4  Paragraphing is important.
        5  Spelling does not have to be correct.          E) Look at the highlighted words in the sample
                                                             answer. Which are countable and which are
     (I) Work in small groups. Read this Writing task and    uncountable?
        answer the questions below.
                                                          @) Look at these words/phrases that are often used
                                                             with countable/uncountable nouns. Put them in
        Write about the following topic.
                                                             the correct column of the table below.
        Many children these days have an unhealthy
                                                              a (wide) range of   a little   (very) few   plenty of
        lifestyle.  Both schools and parents are responsible
                                                              a lot of   a (large) number of   many   a few   little
        for solving this problem.
                                                              most   a great deal of   a considerable amount of
        To  what extent do you agree with this statement?     much   a/an   any   some
        Give reasons for your answer and include any
        relevant examples from your own knowledge or          countable nouns    uncountable nouns  countable or
        experience.                                                                                uncountable nouns
                                                              £\  (wide.)  Y"£\1-toe.  o-F
        1  Is  it true that many children have an unhealthy
           lifestyle? Why?
        2  Are parents responsible? Why? What should
           they do?
        3  Are schools responsible? Why? What should they
        4  Is anyone else responsible? Who?               0 @ IELTS students often make mistakes with
                                                             countable and uncountable nouns. Choose the
     (i) Write a plan for the task. Decide how many          correct expression to complete each sentence.
        paragraphs to write and which ideas will go in
                                                             1  Recently, the number ;§Oilli!Jof fast food that
        each paragraph. Also plan your introduction and
                                                                is eaten has increased.
                                                             2  For example, few I a few years ago there were
         Exam advice     Writing Task 2                         not many microwave ovens in our country.
                                                             3  Technology brings much I  many advantages to
         •  Analyse the question carefully first. You will lose
                                                                our lives.
            marks if you don't deal with all parts of the task.
                                                             4  I think many I a lot of research must be done on
         •  Brainstorm your ideas and write a quick plan.
                                                                organic farming.
         •  Write your answer in paragraphs following your   5  You can't get many I  much information about
            plan.                                               your health these days without using the
     ® Now write your answer in about 40 minutes and         6  Unfortunately,  I have little I a little time to cook
        check  your word count. You should write at least       when I get home.
        250 words.
                                                             7  I think the amount I  number of fast-food stores
                                                                should be reduced.
                                                             8  Some children eat much I a lot of oily and fatty

                                                                                             It's good for you!  @
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