Page 34 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5_Neat
P. 34

0  Work in pairs. Read the title of the summary
              below and use this to find the right part of the      Questions 10-14
              passage. Look at Question 5. Why is 'C' correct?      Choose the correct letter,  A, B, C or D.,
                                                                    10  What is the writer's main purpose in the
              Questions 5-9                                            seventh paragraph?
                                                                       A  to give reasons why adopted children were
              Complete the summary using the list of words
                                                                          used in the study
              and phrases, A-H, below.
                                                                       B  to reject the view that adopted children
                      Two theories about babytalk
                                                                          need two languages
              According to the writer, there are two main              C  to argue that culture affects the way
              theories related to  babytalk. One states that              children learn a language
              a young child's brain needs 5 .... C .... to master      D  to justify a particular approach to
              language, in the same way that it does to                  language learning
              master other abilities such as 6 .......... .
                                                                    11  Snedeker, Geren and Shafto based their study
              The second theory states that a child's 7 .......... is   on children who
              the key factor.  According to this theory, some          A  were finding it difficult to learn English.
              key steps have to occur in a logical sequence            B  had come from a number of language
              before 8   ..... occurs. Children's 9 ......                backgrounds.
              develops in the same way.                                C  were learning English at a later age than
                                                                          US  children.
        A   vocabulary level     E  mathematical knowledge             D  had taken English lessons in China.
        B   physical movement    F  sentence formation
                                                                    12  What aspect of the adopted children's
        c  time                  G  learning
                                                                       language development differed from that of
        D  attention             H  teaching
                                                                       US-born children?
                                                                       A  their first words
               Exam advice  Summary completion with                    B  the way they learnt English
                                                                       C  the rate at which they acquired language
                               a box
                                                                       D  the point at which they started producing
               •  Read through the summary and decide what                sentences
                  type of word or phrase you need for each gap.
                                                                    13  What did the Harvard finding show?
               •  Underline words and phrases around the gaps          A  Not all toddlers use babytalk.
                  to help you find  the right place in the passage.    B  Language learning takes place in ordered
               •  Underline the words in the passage that provide         steps.
                  the missing information.                             C  Some children need more conversation
               •  Choose the option that means the same.                  than others.
                                                                       D  Not all brains work in the same way.
           f) Answer Questions 6-9 on your own. Then check          14  When the writer says 'critical period', he
              your answers with your partner.                          means a period when  .
                                                                       A  studies produce useful results.
           €) Look at Questions 10-14 in the next column.
                                                                       B  adults need to be taught like children.
              I  Underline the key ideas in Questions 10- 14, then
                                                                       C  immigrants want to learn another
                 quickly find  the right place in the passage.
              2  Read that part of the passage carefully, then
                                                                       D  language learning takes place effectively.
                 choose the correct options.
               Exam advice  Multiple choice                      €) Work in small groups.

               •  Use key ideas in the question to find  the right   •  Do you agree that there is a critical period for
                  place in the passage.                                learning language? When do you think this
                                                                       might end?
               •  Read that part of the passage and underline the
                                                                    •  What do you think is the best way for an adult
                  words which answer the question.
                                                                       to learn another language?
          @  Unit3
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