Page 38 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 38

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           /$1*8$*( )2&86                                    Solve the crossword puzzle.
          Pronunciation                                       1                 2       3

             Choose the word whose the underlined part              4
             is pronounced diff erently.
          1.   A. viewed   B. acted   C. fi lmed   D. starred
          2.   A. stopped  B. washed   C. fastened  D. walked
          3.   A. joined    B. performed  C. paraded   D. prepared  6
          4.   A. many   B. classmate  C.  grade   D. gravy
          5.   A. head   B. great   C. death   D. bread

             Complete the two word webs with two-syllable                          Across
             words according to the stress pattern.
                                                          Down                     4.   A type of fi lm about
                                                          1.   A type of fi lm showing   murder or crime.
                                                             real people and events. 5.   She was ___________
                                                          2.   Comedies are usually   to tears by the fi lm.
                                       ‘dancer               ___________.          6.   A type of fi lm
                                                          3.   ___________ fi lms make   featuring animated
                                                             me sleepy.               characters.
             Write the phrases
             from the box under            Ahead only             Match the questions with the answers.
             the road signs.           Railway crossing
                                           No crossing              A                     B
                                          No right turn                         a.  Oh, it’s a popular festival
                                        Right turn only    1.  Why do you like the   in lots of countries
                                                             Tulip Festival?
                                                                                  including Viet Nam.
                                                                                b.  When I went to the
          1. ____________  2. ____________                 2.  What did you do at
                                                             last year’s carnival?  La Tomatina – Tomato
                                                                                  Festival in Spain.
                                                           3.  Where do they hold  c.  Because I love fl owers
                                                             the Beer Festival?    and Dutch culture.
          3. ____________  4. ____________  5. ____________                     d. I had to stand on the
                                                           4.  When did you get   balcony to get the
                                                             this souvenir?       whole view of the
             Complete the description                                             parade.
             of Diwali. Fill each blank
             with the correct form of                      5.  How did you take
             the word in brackets.                           this photo?        e. I like Diwali better.
          Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, is the most   6.  Which do you prefer,  f.  I watched the parade
          important holiday of the year in India. Special Diwali   Diwali or Hanukkah?  and danced the samba.
          (1. celebrate)__________ are held across the country
          in  October or November. The festival shows the      Rewrite the sentences so that they have the
          (2. culture) _________ richness of this country. People   same meaning as the original ones. Use the
          open their doors and windows and light candles     words given.
          to welcome Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. They   1.   The distance from Ha Noi to Can Tho
          also enjoy traditional music and dance (3. perform)   is about 1,877 kilometres.        IT
          _______ and watch fi reworks. Also, people can watch   →  __________________________________.
          (4. parade) _________ with beautiful fl oats. There is a   2.   What is the distance between Hue and
          very strong (5. festival) ________ atmosphere across   Da Nang?                       HOW
          India during Diwali.                            →  __________________________________.

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