Page 34 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 34



             In pairs, look at the pictures below. They are
             all from the La Tomatina Festival in Spain. Put
             them in the order you think they happen at
             the festival.

                             A                       B                        C                    D

             Now quickly read the texts below and check      Read the texts again and answer the
             your answers.                                   questions.
                                                          1. When is La Tomatina celebrated?
             To:              2.   What did Carlos do the day before the festival?
             Subject:    Before the world’s biggest food fi ght  3.   What did people place on top of the greasy pole?
             Hi Nick,                                     4.   Why did they have to wear goggles?
             My family and I arrived in Buñol, Spain yesterday.   5.   What was the signal for the start and end of the
             It‛s the town where La Tomatina is held on the   tomato fi ght?
             last Wednesday of August every year. There are
             thousands of people here. Luckily, the weather has   6.   How was the town square after the fi ght?
             been wonderful.
             We stayed up late, but got up early this morning to
             attend the festival. We saw that some people had    Speaking
             already placed the ham on top of the greasy pole.
             I have to go now.                               Work in groups. Look at the newspaper
                                                             headlines about two unusual festivals around
                                                             the world. Discuss what you think is unusual
                                                             about them.
             Subject:        It’s lots of fun                        injured chasing cheese downhill in
             Nick,                                             15  annual English village festival
             Yesterday was the most exciting day of my life!
             In the morning, many people tried to climb up the pole
             to get the ham. At 11 a.m. we saw a jet of water coming
             from the water cannons and the chaos began. Bags of
             tomatoes from trucks were thrown to the crowds, and
             we began throwing tomatoes at one another. We all
             had to wear goggles to protect our eyes.                                 Mo
                                                                                      Monkeys eat over nkeys eat over
             After one hour, we saw another jet of water and
             stopped throwing. The whole town square was red                         2,000kg
             with rivers of tomato juice. Finally, we tried tomato                        of fruit and
                                                                                          of fruit and
             Paella, a traditional Spanish rice dish. Together with                  vegetables at annual
                                                                                     vegetables at annual
             local people and tourists, we enjoyed the good food                        Monk
                                                                                        Monkey Buffet eyey
             and drinks.                                                                     Fe Fe
             I‛m still tired, so bye for now.
          32   Unit 9/Festivals around the World
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