Page 31 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 31

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                                                              Now look at the webpage. Complete the table
           Grammar                                            about the festival.

           Adverbial phrases
              Look at the pictures below. What information
              would you like to know about this festival?                  The Cannes Film

                                                                            Every year Cannes hosts its
                                                                            international fi lm  festival.
                                                                            Cannes is a busy tourist city in
                                                                            France, but in May everything
                                                                               stops for the festival.
                                                                               People take the festival in Pe
                                                                               a very serious way. Film a
                                                                               directors, stars, and critics d
                                                                               all come to the festival. A al
                                                                               panel of judges watches
                                                                               p p
                                                                               the new fi lms to award theth
                                                                               prizes for the best ones. pri
                                                                               The biggest prize is the Th
              Look out!                                                        Palme d'Or, which is given Pa
              An adverbial phrase gives extra                                  to the best fi lm.  to
              information about the time, place,
              manner, etc. of an action. Adverbial
              phrases are made with nouns,
              prepositions or infi nitives.                 What?
              They can be used to answer diff erent         Who?
               Type/Question        Example                 How often?

              Time          The Festival of the Sun is      How?
              (when?)       held on June 24 .
              Place         The festival is celebrated in
              (where?)      Peru.
                                                              Now think about a festival you know in
              Frequency     The festival takes place          Viet Nam. Complete the table with information
              (how often?)  every year.                       about that festival, then tell your partner
                                                              about it.
              Reason        People attend the festival
              (why?)        for fun.
                            A lot of people go to Cusco,    Who?
                            Peru, to attend the festival.
              Manner        People celebrate it in a
              (how?)        special way.                    When?
                            People celebrate it  with       How?
                            street fairs and live music.

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