Page 28 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 28

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                                                                 THIS UNIT INCLUDES:
          *(77,1* 67$57('                                        VOCABULARY
                                                                 Types of festivals
          7KH IHVWLYDO SURMHFW                                   Festival activities

                                                                Stress in two-syllable words

                                                                H/Wh-questions: review
                                                                Adverbial phrases

                                                                Asking and answering questions
                                                               about festivals
                                                               Describing festivals

               Listen and read.

          Teacher:  Which festival did you choose, Nick?  Phong:    I chose La Tomatina. It’s held in Spain, in
          Nick:      Actually, I chose a Vietnamese festival!     a small town called Buñol. It’s a seasonal
          Teacher:  Oh really? Which one did you choose?          festival to celebrate the tomato harvest.
          Nick:      I chose the Elephant Race Festival in   Teacher:  What do you like about it?
                  Dak Lak. I think elephants are fascinating   Phong:    For one hour, people get to throw tomatoes
                  animals! It must be amazing to see them         at each other!
                  racing.                                 Teacher:   Wow! That does sound unusual. OK,
          Teacher:    OK, that’s interesting. How about you, Mai?  fi nally, Mi.
          Mai:    I chose Diwali. It’s an Indian festival.  Mi:       I chose something a little diff erent. It’s a
          Teacher:  Why did you choose it?                        music festival called Burning Man. It’s held
                                                                  every year at the end of August. People go
          Mai:      Well, it’s called the ‘Festival of Lights’ and
                  it’s a religious festival. I think candles are   to the desert, make a camp, and have a
                  so romantic, and I love fi reworks. There are   party!
                  lots of both during Diwali.             Teacher:   Wow, that’s a new one on me! Sounds
                                                                  fascinating. OK, I’d like you to write up your
          Teacher:  That’s a great choice. And you, Phong?
                                                                  reports and hand them in to me by ...
          26   Unit 9/Festivals around the World
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