Page 26 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 26

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                                                          5.    Lots of people are confused by the way he
                                                             behaves. (confusing)
          Vocabulary                                         Lots of people fi nd ______.

             Think of an example of every type of fi lms in   Grammar
             the box.
                                                              Match the fi rst half in A with the suitable half
              science-fi ction (sci-fi )   romantic comedy                 in B.
              thriller               comedy
              documentary            action                          A                     B
              horror                 animation             1. Although he set off    a. popcorn is selling

             Example:  Mr Bean is a comedy.                  early, ______          well.
                                                           2. Despite public protests,  b. however, it is
             Read the sentences. What types of fi lms are    ______                 decreasing now.
             the people talking about?                     3. In spite of high prices,   c. it’ll be better than
                                                             ______                 staying at home.
            1. The acting was excellent, and I laughed from
              beginning to end.                            4. The ticket price has   d. he arrived late.
                                                             been quite high; ______
            2. The scene was so frightening that I closed my eyes.
                                                           5. Although I don’t really   e. the Government
            3. I think this fi lm will be liked by people who are   like to go to the cinema,   decided to put a
              interested in true stories.                    ______                 ban on the fi lm.
            4. It is hilarious, and it is really moving too.  Communication

            5. The special eff ects are incredible!  The robots      Number the lines of the dialogue in the
              look real.                                     correct order.
              Fill in the blanks with -ed or -ing adjectives   ____  A. How about going to the movies?
             that are formed from the verbs in brackets.   ____   B. I think Now You See Me would be a
          1.    I have never felt as (terrify) ______ as I did when   good choice.
             I watched that horror fi lm.                  ____   C. Where should we meet?
          2.    In spite of spending millions of dollars on the
                                                           ____   D. That sounds pretty good. I’ve seen
             fi lm, it was (disappoint) ______.
                                                                    the trailer.
          3.  They found his behaviour (annoy) ______.
                                                           ____   E. What are you doing tomorrow night?
          4.   We were (satisfy) ______ with the service at the
             cinema.                                       ____   F.  Which movie?
          5.   We found the fi lm’s plot (shock) ______.   ____   G. Perfect!
                                                           ____   H. I can pick you up. Is 7 o'clock alright
              Complete the second sentence in each pair,            for you?
             using the word in brackets. The meaning of
                                                           ____   I. Nothing much. Why do you ask?
             both sentences should be the same.
          1.   They found the fi lm exciting. (excited)    Finished! Now I can ...
             They ______ about the fi lm.
                                                           •  use words and phrases for
          2.    The fi lm bored them so they left halfway through   different types of films
             it. (boring)                                  •  distinguish the uses of -ed and
             The fi lm ______ so they left halfway through it.  -ing adjectives
                                                           •  use connectors: although,
          3.  The ending of the fi lm was quite moving. (moved)
                                                            despite/in spite of, however,
             We  ______ at the ending of the fi lm.         and nevertheless
          4.   His new fi lm is really surprising. (surprised)  •  talk about favourite films
             You’ll ______ at his new fi lm.               • write a film review

          24   Unit 8/Films
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