Page 21 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 21

Pronunciation                                       $ &/26(5 /22.
             /t/, //, /d/, and //, and /ɪdɪd/

             Listen and repeat the verbs. Pay attention   Grammar
             to the sounds /t/, /d/, and /ɪd/ at the end of
             each verb.                                   Although, despite/in spite of
             played     watched     waited      danced       bored         We  use  although,  despite/in spite of  to express
             closed     needed        walked      hated   contrast between two pieces of information
             Now, in pairs put the words in the correct column.  in the same sentence. We use  although before
                                                          a clause and despite/in spite of before a noun or
                   /tt/         /dd/         /ɪdɪd/       a noun phrase.
                                                             Although he is so young, he
                                                             performs excellently.       He is so
                                                              Despite/In spite of being so   young, but
                                                             young, he performs excellently.  he performs
           Remember!                                           Despite/In spite of his young   excellently.
           -ed endings in verbs are pronounced:              age, he performs excellently.

              /t/ after an unvoiced consonant                Complete the sentences. Use  although + a
              Example: washed; matched                       clause from the box.
              /d/ after a voiced vowel or voiced             they spent a lot of money on the fi lm
                                                             few people came to see it
              Example: fi lled; stayed                       it was a comedy
              /ɪd/ after the sound /t/ or /d/                it is set in modern times
              Example: wanted; needed                        the acting is excellent
                                                             Example:  Although I watched the fi lm  twice,
            Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
                                                                     I didn’t understand it.
             the pictures. Then listen to the recording.
                                                          1.   We enjoyed the film at the  Ngoc Khanh
             Example: cry a lot/laugh a lot                  Cinema _____.
             A: He cried a lot, didn’t he?
                                                          2.  ______, it wasn’t a big success.
             B: No, he didn’t. He laughed a lot.
                                                          3.  ______, I don’t enjoy the fi lm.
          1                     2                         4.   I didn’t fi nd it funny at all ______.
                                                          5.  The  fi lm is based on a book that was written
                                                             twenty years ago ______.
                                                             Complete the sentences, using  although,
                                                             despite/in spite of. Sometimes, two answers
                                                             are possible.
                                                          1.  ______ the story of the fi lm was good, I didn’t like
                                     wash the TV/
                                       watch it              the acting.
       paint her room/         4                          2.   I went to see the fi lm ______ feeling really tired.
           brush it
                                                          3.   I really enjoyed the Water War______ most of my
          3                                                  friends said it wasn’t a very good fi lm.
                                                          4.  ______ careful preparation, they had a lot of
                                                             diffi  culties in making the fi lm.
                                                          5.  ______ the fi lm was gripping,  Tom slept from
       close the window/open it   pull their motorbike/      beginning to end.
                                        push it
          19   Unit 8/Films
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