Page 19 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 19

D  Read the conversation again and answer the      Match the types of fi lms with their defi nitions.
             questions.                                      Then listen, check and repeat.

          1.  What does Duong suggest doing tonight?                          Ty
                                                                              Types of fi lm:
             a. Watching a TV show.
                                                                              a. science fi ction (sci-fi )
             b. Watching a fi lm.                                             a
             c. Staying at home.                                              b
                                                                              b. romantic comedydy
          2.  Where does Duong fi nd cinema information?                      c. thriller.
             a. In a newspaper.                                               d
                                                                              d. comedy
             b. By asking Mai.                                                e. documentary
             c. On the Internet.
                                                                              f. animation
          3.  Why doesn’t Mai want to see White Sands?                        g. action
                a. She doesn’t like that type of fi lm.
                                                                              h. horror
             b. It’s not on at the right time.
             c. She has seen the fi lm before.                Defi nitions:
                                                          1. A fi lm that tries to make audiences laugh.
          4.  How do critics feel about Crazy Coconut?
             a. They all like it.                         2. A fi lm that features cartoon characters.
             b. They don’t like it.                       3.  A fi lm that is set in the future, often featuring
             c. Many of them like it.                         science.
          5. Which fi lm do Mai and Duong decide to watch?  4.  A fi lm that tells an exciting story about murder
               a. White Sands.                                or crime.
             b. Crazy Coconut.                            5.  A fi lm which combines comedy with a love story.
             c. They haven’t decided yet.
                                                          6.  A fi lm that shows real life events or stories.
          E  Find the questions in the conversation that   7.  A fi lm in which strange and frightening things
             ask about Crazy Coconut. Then listen, check      happen.
             and repeat the questions.                    8.  A  fi lm that usually features lots of stunts and
                                                              fi ghting.
             a.  Type of fi lm
                                                              Are there any other types of fi lms you can add
                                                              to the list?
             b.  Actors/Stars
                                                           D Think of a fi lm. Fill in the blanks below.

                                                              Type of fi lm
             c. The plot (the story)

                                                              The plot
             d.  Review (critics’ opinion about the fi lm)

                                                          E  In pairs, interview each other and try to guess
                                                              the fi lm.
                                                              A: What kind of fi lm is it?
                                                              B: It’s an action fi lm.
                                                              A: Who does it star?
                                                              B: It stars Daniel Craig.
                                                              A: What is it about?
                                                              B: It’s about a spy called 007.
                                                              A: Is it Skyfall?
                                                              B: Yes!

          17   Unit 8/Films
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