Page 18 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 18

          8QLW                            ),/06

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                                                              THIS UNIT INCLUDES:
               Listen and read.                                 Types of fi  lms
                                                                -ed and -ing adjectives
          Duong:   I’m bored. Do you have any plans this
                 evening?                                      PRONUNCIATION
          Mai:   No ... What shall we do?                      Sounds:  /t/, /d/, and /ɪd/
          Duong:  How about seeing a fi lm?                    GRAMMAR
          Mai:   Good idea! What shall we see?                  Connectors: although, despite/in spite of,
          Duong:   Let’s take a look at the fi lm section of the   however, and nevertheless
                 paper. It says that White Sands is showing at
                 Kim Dong Cinema at 8:00 o'clock tonight.       COMMUNICATION
          Mai:     It’s a horror fi lm. That’s too frightening for me.  Talking about favourite fi  lms
          Duong:   OK, they are also showing Crazy Coconut at   Asking and answering questions
                 Ngoc Khanh Cinema.                             about fi  lm posters
          Mai:   What kind of fi lm is it?
          Duong:  It’s a romantic comedy.
                                                          Duong:  It stars Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt.
          Mai:   What is it about?
                                                          Mai:   What have critics said about it?
          Duong:   It’s about a female professor and a male fi lm
                 star. They get shipwrecked on a deserted   Duong:   Most of them say it’s very funny and
                 island and have to live together. Although      entertaining.
                 the professor hates the fi lm star at fi rst, she   Mai:     Hmm. I know. Why don’t we decide when
                 falls in love with him in the end.              we get there?
          Mai:   Who does it star?                        Duong:  OK, good idea!

          16   Unit 8/Films
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