Page 20 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 20

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                                                             Complete the table with the  -ed and  -ing
                                                             forms of the adjectives.
          Vocabulary                                       If a person  boring  then he/she or  bored
                                                           or thing is         it makes you
             The following are adjectives which are often
             used to describe fi lms. Can you add some             interesting            (1)   ______
                                                                   (2) ______             embarrassed
              boring      entertaining    ___________
              hilarious   violent         ___________              (3)  ______            excited
              gripping    moving          ___________
                                                                   disappointing          (4)  ______
              scary       shocking        ___________
                                                                   exhausting             (5)   ______
             Complete the sentences using the adjectives in
             the list above.                                       (6)  ______            surprised
          1.  Mr Bean is a  ______ fi lm – I was laughing from     confusing              (7)  ______
             beginning to end.
                                                                   (8)  ______            frightened
          2.   Titanic is a ______ fi lm. I cried at the end.
          3.  The  fi lm was so  ______ that we almost fell        annoying               annoyed
                                                             Choose the correct adjectives.
          4.   I couldn’t take my eyes off  the screen because
             the fi lm was so  ______.                    1.  The end of the fi lm was so moved/moving.
          5.   Pirates of Southeast Asia is a ______  documentary.   2.   The boy was so frightened/frightening by the fi lm
             I couldn’t believe it!                          that he couldn’t sleep last night.
          6.   You will be frightened when you see that fi lm.   3.  Critics  were  disappointed/disappointing at his
             It is a very ______  fi lm.                     performance as King Lear.
          7.   There were too many fi ghts in the action fi lm.   4.  I  am  amazed/amazing that he has won two
             It was too ______.                              Oscars for Best Actor.
                                                          5.  We were terrifi ed/terrifying of the ending of that
          8.  You will enjoy the fi lm. It is so  ______.
                                                             horror fi lm.
                                                           D Work in pairs. Look at the questions below. Tell
            Remember!                                        your partner how you felt, using -ed adjectives.

            -ed and -ing adjectives                          Example:
                                                              I felt terrifi ed before my last Maths test.

           We can form adjectives by adding -ed and -ing
                                                             How did you feel ...
           endings to some verbs.
                                                          1.  before your last Maths test?
                                                          2.  when you watched a gripping fi lm?
               -ed adjectives       -ing adjectives       3.  after you watched a horror fi lm?
                  annoyed             annoying            4.  when you got a bad mark?
                 interested           interesting
                                                          E  Now use -ing adjectives to describe these
                disappointed        disappointing
                                                             things and experiences in your life.
           We use -ed adjectives to describe someone’s       Example:
           feelings.                                          The last fi lm I saw was called Norwegian
           Example:                                           Wood. It was really moving.
           The fi lm was long, and I was bored.
                                                          1.   the last fi lm you saw on TV, on DVD, or at the
           We use –ing adjectives to describe things or      cinema
           people (that cause the feelings).
                                                          2.  an argument with your friends
                                                          3.  the result of your last English test
           The fi lm was long, and boring.                4.  the last party you attended

          18   Unit 8/Films
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