Page 54 - SGK TA7 TAP 2 SHS
P. 54

Rearrange the words to make sentences.       Possessive pronouns
          1. People/until/fl ying cars/use/won’t/the year 2050.
                                                             Complete the sentences with possessive
          2. Do you think/increase/next month/the fuel       pronouns. Look at the example.
          3.  arrive/next week/won’t/The mail/until/.
                                                          This is your pen. → This pen is yours.
          4.  I don’t think/he/the new position/take/will/.
          5.  use/solar energy/will/in the future/more/We/.  1.   This is Thu and Mon’s computer.
                                                           →  This computer is (Thu and Mon)______________.
                                                          2.  My bike is black.
                                                          →  The black bike is (me) ________________________.
                                                          3.  These are his shoes.
                                                          →  These shoes are (he) __________________________.
                                                          4.  This is Veronica’s cat.
                                                          →  The cat is (Veronica) __________________________.
                                                          5.  That is our picture.
                                                          →  The picture is (we) ____________________________.

                                                            •  We use a possessive pronoun instead
             Minh Duc is asking a fortune-teller about         of a phrase:
             his future. Complete the sentences with the    Example: Phuc’s bike is red. Mine is blue.
             correct form of will.                             (mine = my bike)
                                                            •  A possessive adjective comes before
                                                               a noun.
             Minh Duc:  ______ I (1. be) _______ successful?
                                                            Example: Their garden is so beautiful!
             Fortune-teller: Yes, you (2. be) _______________
                        a successful person.
                                                            Personal   Possessive      Possessive
             Minh Duc:   ______ I (3. be) ______  happy?    pronoun    adjective       pronoun
             Fortune-teller: Yes, you (4. be)________ happy.   I       my              mine
             Minh Duc:   ______ I (5. be) ______ famous?    you        your            yours
             Fortune-teller: No, you (6. not be) ___________     she   her             hers
                          very famous. But you (7. travel)    he       his             his
                          ___________ a lot.
                                                            it         its             its
             Minh Duc:  Wow, that’s great!
                                                            we         our             ours
                                                            they       their           theirs


                                                             Now, choose any fi ve things you can see in
                                                             the classroom. Make sentences about them.
                                                          This classroom is ours.
                                                          1.  ______________________________________________
                                                          2.  ______________________________________________

                                                          3.  ______________________________________________
                                                          4.  ______________________________________________
                                                          5.  ______________________________________________
          52   Unit 11/Travelling in the Future
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